Chapter 6

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Back in Asgard, Jane was working hard to keep everyone safe and warm. Couldn't have a kingdom if there wasn't anything to rule. While she was directing people to the castle to have soup and get warm, she heard a commotion from the front gates. She turned to see Thor's horse running in, people trying to calm him down. Jane ran over and took it by the bridle, stroking its nose until it calmed.

"My lady," an advisor said to her, "prince Thor was not on this horse. Nor was he anywhere around the castle." Jane thought about this for a moment. She could just leave him out there to freeze, and take Asgard for herself. But this could be the perfect opportunity to gain the kingdom's trust. She would save the prince, then kill him off after they were married. She turned to the crowd after handing the bridle off to a peasant.

"Prince Thor is in trouble. I need men to come with me to the North Mountain to find him." Several hands raised, and she addressed each of them, telling them to get ready to go. She mounted her horse, smirking to herself. This was going to be a grand day indeed.


On the snowy peaks of the North Mountain, the brave group was getting close to Loki's palace of ice. They reached a dead end, and Thor began to climb the rocks to try to get over it.

"Um... what are you doing?" Valkyrie asked, pulling out rope and a pickaxe.

"I'm going to see my brother," Thor grunted, trying to get his footing on the slippery rock.

"You know, most people who disappear into the mountains want to be left alone," she said, watching for any misstep in the man's footing so she could catch him if needed.

"Bullshit. No one wants to be alone," Thor responded, practically doing a split on the rocks. "Please tell me I'm almost there..."

"Sorry to break it to you hun, but you're barely six feet off the ground," Valkyrie said, laughing. Thor sighed, when Olaf interrupted them.

"Uh guys, I don't know if this is helpful, but I found a staircase that leads exactly to where you want to go," he said, pointing through a crevice in the rock. Thor dropped down the few feet from the wall, and looked at where the snowman was pointing, gasping at the sight. There was a gorgeous ice palace, glinting in the evening sunlight.

"By the gods..." Valkyrie said, amazed, "your brother created this?" Thor nodded, his mouth still hung open in awe. They ascended the icy steps, and stopped at the palace door. Thor went to knock but hesitated, thinking of all the times his brother had shut the door on him in their childhood.

"Um... you all should probably stay out here," he suggested. Valkyrie shrugged, sitting down beside Sven.

"Fine with me. Hurry up though, the sun's starting to set." Thor nodded, gathering up the courage to knock on the huge door, which opened once he did. Cautiously, he stepped inside, the doors closing behind him. Everything was ice, the walls, the stairs, the floor, the fountains, the flowers... everything.

"Loki?" He called out, his voice reverberating off the high walls. He nearly slipped on the floor and caught himself, going over to admire a delicate icy flower.

"Thor? Is that you?" He heard his brother's voice, immediately turning and gasping at his beauty. He wore a new outfit, which complimented his complexion and the ice favorably. He was absolutely radiant, and Thor felt that fuzzy feeling again looking at him.

"Wow, Loki you look... beautiful," Thor managed to say as he continued to stare at his brother. Loki smiled, tucking a stray piece of black hair behind his ear.

"Thank you. It's good to see you. But... you should go," he responded, his smile fading into a look of concern.

"But I just got here," Thor protested, starting to walk up the steps to where Loki was standing. The door opened suddenly, Olaf bursting in.

"Hi! I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs!" He shouted with a smile.

"Olaf?" Loki questioned, looking at the little snowman.

"You created me," Olaf explained, "don't you remember?" Loki looked down at his hands, fascinated.

"He's just like the one we built as kids," Thor said, hugging the snowman, "I think that's why you made him the way you did."

"Yes... perhaps I did." He looked at Thor seriously. "Please... you need to go, brother. You're not safe here." Thor stood up.

"This is probably one of the safest places I can be. I'm with my brother. That alone is a sanctuary."

"No, you need to leave. My powers are dangerous."

"Please, Loki. Please come home with me. Back to Asgard."

"My home is here now. I can stay up here where I'm free, and I can use my powers without hurting anyone."

"I refuse to accept that," Thor protested again. Loki narrowed his eyes at that.

"Well you're going to have to learn to accept it, because I am never going back there!" He turned, going farther into the castle, Thor following behind him.

"Please, Loki! Don't shut me out! I want to help you!"

"I don't need help!" He yelled once at the top of the stairs, "I am perfectly capable to handle myself. Please leave before you get hurt." Thor stood in front of his brother, grabbing his wrist.

"I am not leaving without you. Because no matter how much you say it isn't true, I love you more than anything or anyone. I was wrong about Jane, and I see that I should have taken your advice. I am truly sorry for everything I have done." Loki looked into his brother's blue eyes, filled with so much understanding. He placed a hand on his chest, his eyes tearing up.

"Thor I..." he sighed, frustrated. "Please don't make this harder for me. I'm not staying away because I want to. I'm staying away for your own good, and you need to see that-" Valkyrie suddenly burst into the room, surprising the brothers and making Loki blast a stream of magic from both hands. One went into the ground, while the other went straight into Thor's chest, knocking him backwards. Loki gasped in horror at what he had done, while Valkyrie ran over to her friend, kneeling beside him.

"Thor, are you alright?" She asked as he shakily stood.

"I-I'm okay..." he regained his composure momentarily, staring angrily at Loki. "I'm fine."

"I told you to get out," Loki said, wiping his eyes.

"We're not leaving. Not without you." Thor said.

"Yes, you are." Loki blasted ice into the floor, summoning a huge snow golem who lifted the adventurers, throwing them out the front door of the castle. It then slammed the door shut, leaving the group outside in the cold. Thor picked up snow, forming it into a snowball and hurling it angrily at the door.

"Piece of shit! Let us in!" He shouted, "I need to see my brother!" He suddenly gasped, clutching his chest and falling to his knees in the snow, Valkyrie kneeling beside him.

"We need to get you to a doctor or something," she said worriedly, helping him to stand.

"I'll be okay. I just need to find a way to get Loki home..."

"Thor, listen to me. I know you want to get your brother home, but you can't do that after that hit he gave you. We'll come back once you're healed, okay?" Thor took one last look at the massive ice palace and nodded reluctantly, Valkyrie leading him down the slope with Olaf and Sven following.

Another chapterrrrr

-Grace ♥️

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