Chapter 7

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"Man it's cold up here..." one of the men grumbled from the back. At the moment, Jane was leading a small barrage of men to the North Mountain to find Thor. Her real intention, however, was to capture the king and bring him in for a trial and possible execution. She could care less about the prince, but needed to save him for the time being so she could earn the trust of the kingdom. Once they rounded a bend in the mountain, the group gasped in wonder at the sight before them. There was an enormous palace of ice within a cliff, icy steps leading up to it. Jane halted the crew, hopping off her horse and drawing her sword.

"Steady," she whispered, "we don't know what's in there." The men followed behind her, drawing their weapons as well, the only sound being the snow crunching softly under their boots. Jane cautiously stepped into the ice stairway, ascending it after she was sure it was safe. At the base of the castle, she was about to enter when a distant roar was heard from within, and several of the men gasped quietly. Jane narrowed her eyes, starting to push open the door, but was knocked backwards by it flying open and a gigantic ice monster emerging. She swiped at it several times, then spotted the king at the entrance, closing the doors to retreat into his fortress. She dodged an icy arm and followed him inside, running up the steps to the top floor. She drew her sword again, facing the ice king.

"So," she said, grinning, "here we are. The future queen versus the current king of Asgard." Loki narrowed his eyes at her, immersing his hands in swirling ice.

"You will never be queen. You'll be exiled upon your return. Thor will make sure of it." Jane laughed, swinging her sword at the king, who dodged.

"You really think Thor knows about me, don't you? Let me tell you something your majesty, your big brother is wrapped around my finger. He's not even a tiny bit aware of my plan to rule Asgard." Loki swept his hand in front of him, creating a shield of spikes between him and the princess. She jumped, walking closer to him.

"I didn't want to hurt you before," Loki spoke solemnly, "but people change. And now my intention is to kill you." He swept his hand upwards, and ice surrounded Jane up to her chest, encasing her arms and legs so she could not move. She struggled, and Loki summoned another ice shard from the floor, this one particularly sharp, pointed towards Jane's neck. He inched it slowly closer, the princess backing up as far as she could to try and get away from it.

"You think you've seen my dark side?" Loki asked ominously, his green eyes glinting in the moonlight, "you haven't seen anything yet. And if you touch my brother again, there will be hell to pay, I assure you that." He then released her, and she dropped to the ground as the other men raced up the steps.

"Princess!" One of them shouted before seeing Loki, and they all backed away in horror.

"It's the ice king," some whispered amongst each other. Jane slowly stood up, brushing the snow off her dress.

"Fear not, men," she said, smirking, "The king is coming home with us." she held her hand out and one of the men handed her a crossbow, which she aimed at Loki.

"I am not going anywhere. Especially not with a corrupt, power hungry princess." Jane faked a gasp, wiping away pretend tears.

"See how he has insulted me!" she said, making the voice cracks evident, "This man needs our help. I do not wish to execute him, but it may come to that..." some of the men gasped, whispering amongst each other.

"The king really is crazy..."

"He insulted Prince Thor's maiden!"

"She is only trying to help." Loki looked around at his subjects, astounded. They really believed this girl's lies? It was probably because Thor trusted her, so they believed they could trust her too. But if she was here, where was Thor? Was he alright? Loki was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice Jane aim the crossbow at the chandelier he was standing under, shooting the support rod and causing it to fall.

"Your majesty!" one of the men shouted, and Loki looked up just in time to see it fall, trying to get out of the way. He tripped however, knocking his head against the icy floor, his consciousness fading. Jane smirked to herself, gesturing to the king so the men could pick him up to carry back to the kingdom. This plan was going swimmingly. If all else went well, she would put the king to death, cause Thor to have an unfortunate "accident" and take the crown for herself. She would be queen. That she was certain of.

I didn't mean to make Jane such an ass in this, I'm sorry 🙃

-Grace ♥️

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