Chapter 2

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Four years later was the day of Loki's coronation as king of Asgard. Thor was first in line for the crown, but had declined it, leaving the throne to his brother. Now, as Thor dressed for his brother's big day, his mind was filled with stressful thoughts. He was both nervous and overjoyed for this day, and had been since he had heard about it. He still saw nothing of his brother, and the thought of spending the entire day with him for the first time in seventeen years was exciting and nerve racking. He finished combing his long blonde hair, looking into the blue eyes of his reflection.

"Okay. You're about to see your brother who you haven't seen in seventeen years. Just... be yourself. He's your brother. Treat him like one." He took a deep breath and smiled, exiting the room and immediately almost crashing into a maid. He apologized and went on, avoiding other servants who were racing to get everything ready for the big day. Thor looked out over a nearby balcony down to the festive village below. There were blue and yellow banners with the Asgardian crest on them hanging everywhere, and there were hundreds of people flocking to the castle. Thor grinned excitedly, running downstairs and out the door to see it all. Meanwhile, in his room, Loki was pacing nervously. His long black hair was tied up into a neat bun, he was dressed in beautiful royal clothing, and had black satin gloves on. He took them off momentarily to pick up a small glass ball and a candlestick, objects that mimicked the royal coronation items. He concentrated and held them in each hand, but after a few moments, ice encased both of them. Scared, he dropped them, and they shattered onto the floor. He quickly put his gloves back on, putting his face in his hands.

"What am I going to do..." he muttered to himself. He was going to be king. If the people found out about his powers, he would surely be sentenced to death for witchcraft. He was startled by a knock at his door, followed by a maid's voice.

"It's time, your majesty. Everything is ready."

"Thank you," Loki called back, dismissing her. He took a deep breath, exiting his room after donning his gloves once more.

Out in the village, Thor was having the time of his life running around and seeing everything. He hadn't been outside the palace walls in years, and it was fun to see the vendors and shops decorated for his brother's coronation. As he was rounding a corner by a dock, something bumped into him, and he was knocked into a boat, which started to slide off the dock. Something caught it however, and he was launched upward a few feet before landing back in the boat with a thud. He looked up with an annoyed expression before his eyes widened. Above him was a woman, the first, other than his family, that he had ever seen. She was beautiful, and Thor's heart began to thump at the sight of her.

"Are you alright?" She asked, extending a hand to help him up.

"Um... yes, thank you," Thor managed to speak as he took her hand, standing and brushing himself off. Once he got a good look at the woman, he saw that she was obviously royalty of some sort. She was in a beautiful gown with a golden tiara stop her head.

"I am princess Jane of Midgard," she said, introducing herself.

"Prince Thor of Asgard," he said with a smile. Jane immediately bowed at the news that she was in the presence of the royalty of this country.

"Many apologies, my prince. Also, I congratulate your brother on his coronation," she added after standing up again. Thor began to speak but a bell interrupted him, signaling ten minutes until the ceremony started.

"Shit... I have to go," he stuttered, starting to run back to the palace. He turned back to the princess however, bowing to her. "I shall save you a dance, m'lady," he said before running off. Jane smiled until he was out of sight, then rolled her eyes, getting back on her horse.

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