Chapter 3

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Later was the afterparty. Thor was especially excited for this part, because there would be music and dancing and food galore! The royal advisor announced Loki's arrival first, who, as usual, walked elegantly to stand in front of his throne. He announced Thor next, who clumsily stumbled up the steps to stand next to his brother, waving at the crowd with a goofy smile.

"Well," Thor began as he watched the crowd begin to dance to the music, "you're king now. How does it feel?"

"It feels... heavy. Like a weight has been laid on my shoulders." Loki looked at his brother sadly. "I fear I am not meant for this. But I have always wondered..." His expression turned quizzical. "Why didn't you take the crown, brother?" Thor opened his mouth but closed it again, trying to think of what to say. Finally, he sighed.

"Because I fear that I am not ready either. You are far more mature and mindfully sound than I am, Loki. I would fail as a king."

"You would not fail. But I respect your decision, and I will rule to the best of my ability."

"You will do wonderfully. And I will be right here to support you, brother. Never forget that." They smiled at each other as they listened to the song end, another beginning, this one slower. "Well, it seems they have decided to play a slow one," Thor said, smiling knowingly at his brother, who laughed.

"Please don't embarrass yourself, Thor," He said, smiling. Thor shrugged, extending his hand to the king.

"Then will you help me not to?" Loki looked surprised, but took his hand, Thor leading him down to the floor to dance. He slipped his right hand into Loki's left, sliding his other hand around his waist. Loki hooked his free hand around Thor's neck, and they began to dance slowly to the music. Several people kept their eyes on them, some smiling, some whispering to each other. Loki noticed and leaned his head against Thor's shoulder.

"Brother, people are staring," he whispered.

"Let them look," Thor responded, "What harm is there in dancing with my brother?"

"None, but people have a tendency to start dreadful rumors. I don't want my first impression as a king to be that I will not create heirs for the throne."

"And what if you don't?" Loki looked back up into Thor's gentle blue eyes. "What if you do not take a queen?"

"I... hadn't thought of that. But I have to, don't I? I have to create heirs..."

"I won't put that task upon you. I already denied the crown. Let me have the responsibility of heirs." Loki's eyes widened at that.

"Thor... you'd do that for me? You'd give away your freedom for me?"

"Of course. You're my brother after all." He smirked. "And I believe I've already found a suitable candidate." Loki's features dropped at that.

"O-Oh. Well, shouldn't you be with her then?"

"No, I can see her later. Right now I want to dance with you." Loki narrowed his eyes.

"I believe you should be with your maiden. Please, oh mighty Thor, don't let me distract you from your true love." he let go of his brother's hand, pushing away from him. "Thank you for the dance. Now you can go be with whatever slut you choose." Thor was very confused.

"Loki? Did I do something wrong?" Loki turned away from him, brushing a piece of lint off his shoulder.

"What does it matter to you? Go away. I don't want to keep you from her any longer." with that, he walked away before Thor could protest again. The prince sighed, his shoulders dropping. He went over to grab a few pieces of chocolate from the orderves table to make himself feel better. While he was chewing on a piece, he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Jane.

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