33 | bitches be bonkers

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❝ Don't make promises you can't keep ❞

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Don't make promises you can't keep

Tuesday at school, Ruby seethed at his locker. He was so pissed at Isabella. So much so, that he never wanted to see her again.

How could she do this to him? She was his first love and now his last because Ruby didn't trust girls anymore.


Ruby groaned inwardly, recognizing that voice. It belonged to the one person that he now despised.

He kept his back on her, having no intention of greeting her. Isabella stood beside him, noting his silence. "There you are! I haven't spoken to you in forever."

Ruby slammed his locker shut. "Good. Keep it that way."

Isabella was taken aback by his hostility. "What's going on? Did I do something?"

"Did you do something?!" He scoffed. "Are you really asking that dumb ass question?!"

"Okay, I'm confused. Are you just having a bad day?" she asked.

Ruby rolled his eyes. "We're over, Isabella."

She gasped. "What?! Why?!"

"You never loved me, that's why." He swung his backpack over his shoulder and began walking away, not wanting to waste any more time on her.

She followed behind him, pleading her case. "Of course I do, Ruben! I told you this!"

Ruby swiveled around angrily. "Don't call me Ruben! You don't get to call me that anymore!"

Isabella's heart broke into a million pieces. He really did want nothing to do with her and she didn't understand why. "Ruby...I love you with all of my heart. You know this."

"I thought you did, but I was wrong. Cesar told me everything."

"Cesar?" she questioned. "Cesar's missing."

Shit!, Ruby thought. No one could know about Cesar! Not with Latrelle out there on the loose still!

He quickly conjured up a lie. "Yeah, duh. I meant before he went missing."

Isabella was looking at him suspiciously. "Okay? What did he tell you?"

"He showed me a voice recording of YOU telling him that you're just using me to get him jealous!"

Isabella's jaw dropped. Cesar actually recorded that?! That was a very vulnerable moment! "He's lying, Ruby!"

"How?! It was your voice! He even said your name!"

Isabella exhaled deeply as she ran her hand over her face. Stupid ass Cesar! Of COURSE he exposed her! She expected nothing less from a Diaz. They were nothing but bad news AND bad vibes.

"Ruby, I told him that when we first started dating! It's different now! My feelings are real!"

Ruby shook his head angrily as he glowered at her. "So you were using me!"

𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐨𝐦𝐛Where stories live. Discover now