What if I told you I'd die?
That tomorrow I'd sink into oblivion.
That my skin may not learn what is like to prune,
That the sun may not ever rise on my sunken eyes,
That I'd never laugh again
Nor cry, nor sing till lungs collapse
And my throat raw and sore of joy.
What if I told you the casket would be lowered a few sun's from now?
And that you can't say goodbye
That my blood will be as still as backwaters
And the steady rhythm of my ever beating heart Will gradually stop over a short period of painfully slow breaths
And that my skin, that warmth that once cradled your arms in sweet embraces would be as cold as the arctic sea
What if I told you the the life I carried would die with me,
That the person you cherish and learned to love over a treacherous road of on and off,
Of love and hate
Of trust and caution
Of all the things you felt and unfelt
Of you all you had to dig and bury in my name would seize to exist.
What if I told you my name -
That you would sing and scream and whisper, you would weep
And that as the sun sets tomorrow it will rise the next but I will not be there to see it with you
And consistently without fail it will rise and set and time will pass and days will move but I will be no more than that date.
Look me in the eyes and tell me,
What you would do
Then by Gods good deed
Do it
For tomorrow I might not be
Salvaged Soul
Poezie"The mind is a beautiful servant but a dangerous master" It said "so i must then let it serve my soul" I whispered A salvaged soul is not new, it is old. It has lost and is still losing but is no longer who it was when it first broke. To be one step...