No one ever told me what it's like to shed your skin.
To have your youth stripped from the bone.
That each layer and hair would take parts of you you thought were strong enough to stay,
Leave you dazed
ConfusedNo body spoke of the tragedy that is to grow up, in a world that has demons of its own
See the sword and pick it up
That at one point you must be the feast before the guest,
That love and passion are for the faint of heart in a world ruled but numbers and greed
Self ambition trifles peace for allThat to fight the good fight, life will rip to bone your very existence and leave you bare to the harsh winds of pain truth, and twisted fables.
No one said you lose your innocence after holding so much hurt in raw hand as children. For to grow old is inevitable but to grow wise is rare.No body told me my mind was just as much an enemy as the bullet out the gun,
Both out to get me
Both kill for fun.
Nobody whispered the aching in my bones, they looked on as one does, when life has moved on.
Salvaged Soul
Poetry"The mind is a beautiful servant but a dangerous master" It said "so i must then let it serve my soul" I whispered A salvaged soul is not new, it is old. It has lost and is still losing but is no longer who it was when it first broke. To be one step...