Beautiful Beast

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You broke my heart I've found.
You when you throw me away,
When you failed to see just how great I could be.
When you didn't give me a second glance nor a first to be honest.
I was right there but I was never good enough, never pretty enough. Not ever enough.
Too little, too much
So much pathetically unattractive in one being, I disgusted you.
For who was I to be loved by a beauty, I a mer beast.

I let you break me, when I knew not who I was or my worth, I let you stand there and just cause you couldn't see how great I was I let that be the standard for everything.
I am worthless because you failed to see it and so no one can.
Such a foolish little girl
Life hadn't began, what was he defining when you didn't even know
He couldn't define you yet you've let every man fail to climb your walls still sitting crying behind bricks of rejection.
Dear I know it hurt but you must let go. He owed you nothing, you owe yourself everything.
You owe yourself to feel loved and heart broken by a man that was yours. Not from a distance or in your head but was in your hands.
You deserve the world babe, fear not and go get it.
Who am I to be broken by a mer beauty, am I not a beast.
A beautiful beast.

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