The Selection: Chapter 1

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I paced the floor, trying to walk off my anxiety. When the Selection was an event in the distance it sounded thrilling, now it's nerve wracking.

It's been so busy around here. The census had been compiled, the figures checked multiple times. Staff was being relocated, wardrobe preparations were being made, and rooms were being redone for our guests. The momentum was building.

For the guys, the process began when they filled out the forms. For me, it started tonight.

I was seventeen. Now I was eligible.

I stood in front of my mirror again, I fix my already perfect hair. I study myself, finding no faults I leave my room. I make my way to fathers office. On my way I find May.

"Oh Ames! Happy Birthday!"

"Thank you May."

I say with a smile as I embrace her. Well pull apart and I can see the excitement in her bright blue eyes. May and I look almost identical. We could be twins except for the 4 year delay. She looks just like I did when I was 13. I'm pretty, but May is gorgeous.

"I have your gift in my room I'll give it to you later."

"Okay and thanks, you didn't have to."

"I wanted too."

We share a small laugh and begin to walk. Our heels clicking in unison.

After a moment of silence May dramatically spins and stops in front of me. Her dress flowing like a flower around her.

"Can you believe the Selection is so close?! The formes are being sent out tomorrow!"

"No I can not." I move around her and continue walking.

"Well you don't seem very excited" She says catching up to me.

"I am."

"Don't lie." I stop turning to face her with a sigh.

"I am but, I'm also very nervous."

"Oh but Ames this is meant to be exciting!"

"It is, but it's a lot more than just that."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, allow me to explain,"

"Please do."

As I begin talking we pick up our pace, not wanting to upset father.

"You are seeing this as a time when 35 cute boys are coming to stay in our home, and
hopefully one of them will have a cute brother or two your age,"

"Yes you are right, but it is also the time for you to meet your soulmate."

"The thing is that it is not going to be a 'love at first sight' kinda thing or a fairytale,"

"Not with that attitude."

I roll my eyes at her and continue speaking.

"I have to look for someone who can help me rule, look for what is best in Illea, understand that we must make sacrifices, give up a 'normal' life, and can deal with the stress our life brings, someone the people like, and add love on top of that... it's just hard, I'll be lucky if I can find someone I tolerate.

May looks sad, almost pitiful for me. We stop in front of father's office door.

"You can do it." She said encouraging. Her sad, yet hopeful eyes and warm smile bring a genuine smile to my lips. I nod if only for her sake.

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