Chapter 4

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Today will be a good day. I had to work through breakfast this morning. I didn't mind though as I got to stay in my nightgown for an extra hour. I've been working all week.

I don't know why I was panicking last week. I had no need to. It was honestly ridiculous. Thank goodness only mother saw.

On tonight's Report we will announce the selected. I have no meets or work so it's a day off. Father did ask to speak to me sometime today. It's best if I get that out of the way first. I haven't seen May very much recently so later I will pay her a visit. When I reach Father's office knock firmly and walk in when I hear him allow me too.

He only gives me a glance as he types away at his computer.

"Rosalie, you're here. Take a seat." Father said.

I walked over to his desk and sat across from him. I fanned out my day dress and intertwined my hands together over my lap.

"Hello father, how are you?"

He stopped typing and looked at me. Then he smiled clearly content.

"Fantastic. The selection is just around the corner and everything looks impeccable."

I smiled, not separating my lips. Father closed his laptop and stood.

"Would you like a drink?" He asked, as he made his way over to the table under the window full of liquor.

"A little, on the rocks please." He nodded and began pouring.

Truly I'm not a big drinker. I'll have a glass occasionally. Especially at events when it's basically mandatory. Although I perder tea or water, I've learned not to deny my father a drink. When I was 14 I said no when he offered. It didn't end pretty.

I could hear the ice clashing slowly as father returned. He handed me the whiskey and took his seat again.

"I told you how I wanted to quickly speak with you about the selection."

"Right." I said, taking a sip of the bitter yet slightly sweet liquor.

"I know you've been informed that all 35 suitors have been selected."

"Yes I was told."

"I think you should look at them prior to the Report." Father said placing his hand on a stack of files beside him.

My eyes widened as I looked back and forth between father and the files.

"Why?" I asked. I nervously swayed the glass back and forth in my hand.

"I think it will be good for you."

"I don't know. I didn't think I would see them until tonight." I said feeling vulnerable.

He chuckled. Leaning back into his black leather chair.

"Oh Rosalie, no need to be nervous. I know this seems like it's happening very fast, but it's taken years of planning on my part." Father said as he took a swing of his whiskey.

I stared, clueless and confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Well I've had to make sure that certain men would be eligible. Made sure they were single, and remained out of trouble. And have useful ties."

Suddenly my throat felt dry.

"So you picked all my suitors?" I asked.

"Yes and no."

"Won't the people notice?"

"No, I've thrown in a few from the lower castes to help the illusion of random. Don't worry nothing lower than a 6, we do have dignity."

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