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That night,i was eating dinner with sam and dean when my phone went off.i pick it up and dont reconize the number.Text:

?-hey is this kenzie?

Kenzie-yes?who is this?

?-oh sorry its scott!

Kenzie-um hey scott whats up?

Scott-i talked to deaton and you start toommorw after school!

Kenzie-omg thank you so much!

Scott-your welcome see you toommorw



i squel and jump out of my chair.''whats wrong?''sam asked.''nothing!!im just excited!''i say.i dance around.''whats going on?''dean asked.''i got a job at the animal clinic!!''i say.''cool!''dean says.''why'd you get a job?''sam asked.''i just wanted to help out with everything.''i say calming down.''im the parent im supposed to take care of you!''sam says.i look at him confused.''okay then im doing it for extra shopping money!''i yell.''sammy-''dean starts.sam stands up and walks out.''whats his problem?!''i ask dean.''ruby i back in town..''dean says.i nod.i stand up and put my plate int he sink.''i dosent give him the right to be a dick!''i say and walk into my room.

i plop down on my bed and put in my earbuds.i start playing music.i stare at my seling and think about everything.mom,maddie,johnny,annie...ashton..emily..i start crying.i left people i loved for someone who says he loves me but dosent even care to hug me before school.then i think of allison and scott getting me that job.and stiles..how everytime i look at him i get butterflies.i sit up and grab my little key board i have.i sit up on my bed and start thinking of words and i just touch the keys to see what dsounds right.words just flow..

''she stares at her ceiling once agin,with a hundred..maybe he knows who i am..actually probly not she always walks these crowded halls scared to meet his eyes.cause even when he raises his voice.she's swarmed with butterflies..''i stop there.i write it all down in my journal and put everything up.i decied to post somthing.Post:

Kenzie-he's tried to talk to her but theres no easy way,cause everytime he raises his voice she runs away

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Kenzie-he's tried to talk to her but theres no easy way,cause everytime he raises his voice she runs away...<3


AllisonArgent-just give it time

Lydia-who are you talking about?


MaddieZiegs-wish i was there to hug you..

-Kenzie-me too<3

MellisaZiegler-i miss you baby


i turn my phone off with tears still going down my face.i curl up in a ball and slowly fall asleep.

The next day,i wake up and rub my eyes.i look at the time and im up early.i decied i should take a shower.i get in th shower.im in there about 15 minutes then i get out.i wash my face and blow dry my hair.i brush thru it and put some makeup on.i go to my closet and find somthing to wear.Outfit:

i grab my bag and phone and walk to the kitchen

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i grab my bag and phone and walk to the kitchen.''hey kid..''dean says.''hey..''i say.i grab a waffle and start eating it.''where's sam?''i ask.''he went to the dinner!''dean says.''he's been goig to th dinner alot..and ruby is back in town..dean we need to go find him!!''i say worried.''no you need to get to school ill go find!''dean says.i roll my eyes.we get int he car and head to school.

we pull up and kiss his cheek.''call me when you find him..''i say getting out of the car.he nods and drives off.i walk towrds the door.when i walk in im hugged by allison and lydia.''are you okay girl?''lydia asked.''ya im fine..''i say.''if you want we can have a girls day after school!''allison says.i shake m head.''i start at the clinic today!''i say smiling.allison hugs me.''yay!''she says.i smile.

Kenzie Winchester-Book 2 Of The I'm The V TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now