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At Lunch,me and allison walk in and she stops me.''why dont you come sit with me.scott and stiles today?''she asked.i look at her worried.''stiles?.''i say.she nods.''come on!''allison says.i sigh and we head to there table.i sit next to scott while allison sits next to stiles.''hey scott i just wantedd to say thx for the job!''i say.he smiles and nods.''your welcome!oh yea are you gona need a ride?''he asked.i nod.''uh yea probly!''i say.''meet in the parking lot after school i'll give you a ride!''he says.''oh my god thx!'i say.''so are you okay?''stiles asked.i look down.''did i do somthing to you?''he asked.''stiles..''allison says.''no why do you never talk to me ive tried to talked to you but you always run away!''he says getting mad.i feel my eyes get heavy.''if only you knew..''i whisper to myself.''what?''he asked.i look at him and stand up.''ill see you after school scott..''i say not taking my eyes off of stiles.i see him give a "im sorry"look before i walk away.

i run to the lacrose feild and sit on the bleachers.i cry in my hands.suddenly i feel a hand on my shoulder.i turn and see hayden!??!''what are you doing here?!''i ask and hug him.''i saw your post yesterday and i wanted to cheek on you..''he says hugging me back.''i guess im okay..how's annie and johnny..''i say.we pull away.''they miss you..we all do.''he says.i nod.''i miss yall to but i cant go back..im sorry..''i say.he smiles.''its okay..so who do i need to kill for you?''h asked.i laugh.''no one im just not having the best day..''i say.we smile and talk for awhile.Post:

Kenzie-so needed this

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Kenzie-so needed this...<3 @HaydenSummerall


Lydia-he's kinda cute..

-Kenzie-you have a boyfriend.

AllisonArgent-so this is hayden.

-HaydenSummerall-so she talks about me?

-AllisonArgent-ya you were her best friend!

ScottMcall-friend zoned

-Kenzie-he has a girlfriend


-HaydenSummerall-ive heard about you..  :\

-Kenzie-stop it hayden

After School,hayden went home before next period.i walk out of the school and look for scott.soon i see a blue jeep pull up.great stiles is givng us a ride...scott gets out and walks up to me.''so i know you dont rly like stiles ut he's my ride so i thought you could tag along..''he says.i roll my eyes.i think,i can call dean and get a ride or i can use my speed and speed there..''fine ill ride..''i say.he smiles and we go to the car.he opens the door and i climb over the seat.when scott gets in stiles drives off.

about half way there the car stops and i hear popping.''rly?''i say.''its probly just the front..''stles says.scott hands him DUCK TAPE?and he gets out and open the hood.''what is he doing?''i ask.''fixing the car..''scott says.''with duck tape!?'i say.he nods.i roll my eyes and wait.after awhile he gets back in and it dosent start.''let me out!''i say.scott gets out and climb over the seat/i walk to the front of the car next to stiles and look at the inside.everything is connected with duck tape.''im calling my uncle..''i say rolling my eyes.stiles hits the car.i call dean.Call:

kenzie-hey are you buessy?

dean-not rly 

kenzie-i need help

dean-wats wrong did somthing happen?

kenzie-no i was gettng a ride to work but the guys car isnt working so can you bring your ools and look at it

dean-your with a guy

kenzie-two and there um...frineds..

dean-okay wellbe there in a second

kenzie-thank youuu

we ust knida sit there for awhile until the impala pulls up.i stand up.and dean and sam get out of the car.when scott and stiles see's them they stand up quick.''hey kid!''dean says and kisses my forhead.''who's car?''sam asked.''mine sir..''stiles says.i laugh at how nervous there acting.''well you need a new one cause all this is duck tape..''dean says.''no i cant get a new one!''stiles yells.dean shoots him a look and stiles backs up.''so whats wrong with it?''scott asked.''got anymore duck tape?''dean asked.stiles gras it off the ground.dean takes it and fixes it.''that should last for awhile..when you get off work kid bring this back to the house and ill work on it!''dean says.i nod.''thank you sir..''stiles says.''enough with thee sir!'' dean says.i hug dean.''thx dean..''i say.''your welcome kid!''he says.we pull away and sam hugs me.i dont hug back i kinda just sit there.''be good.''sam says blandly.i smile and nod my head.they get back in the impala and drive away.i sigh.we all get back into the car and head to the clinic.we get there and we all get out.we walk in and i see a man.''hey deaton this is kenzie!''scott says.he nods and shake my hand.''nice to meet you young lady!''he says.i nod.after that we do clinic stuff.i work with the cats whil scott does the dogs.and stiles just sits in the waitin room.

Kenzie Winchester-Book 2 Of The I'm The V TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now