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''so where are we going?''i ask as he drives down the road.''well first i plan-''his phone rings.''hey um i have to stop somewhere real quick!''he says.i nod.whats going on?..we drive almost out of town and we stop.''ill be right back.''he says.he gets out and goes into the woods.i wait awhile.''why do i have to go thru this agin!?''i ask myslef.i get out and go into the woods.i see ashton about the stab johnny and lauren..i run up to him and stand infront of him.''what are you doing!?''i yell.''there monsters kenzie!''ashton says.i just let thememorie happen.i kill him and i close my eyes.

i open them and im on a clif.i look around.''i love you kenzie..''i hear a voice say.i tur around and im meet with johny's eyes..''i love you to..''i say..he kisses me..why am i re living all of this?i pull away and stand up and run down the clif.i can hear the memoire still going.i see a man with a mulet.''follow me!''he says.

i follow him.we go into a door that he wrote on and were in a bar type thing.''who are you?''i ask.''i was a friend of your dad and uncle's!''he says.''im kenzie..''i say.''ash!''she says.''so what brings you to heaven?''he asked.my eyes widen.''im in heaven?!''i ask.''uh ya!''he says.''whats going on?''i ask.''well some people when there in heaven they see a river or a trail but for you and your family its a road and you go thru your past life then you go to your own personal heaven!''he says.i nod confused.''how do i get back to earth?''i ask.''well..your dead..so unless dean and sam find away to bring you back youcant!''he says.i sit at a table.''how the hell am i in heaven ive done horable things!''i say.''i guess your just lucky!''ash says.i nod.''oh ya there's someone who wants to talk to you!''he says and goes in the back of the bar.he walks out with someone behind.there's a man and woman..i stand up.''w-who are you?''i ask.''im marry and this is john..''the woman says.

''the woman says

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''wait..marry and john as in my grandparents?''i as tearing up.she nods.i run to them and hug them.''ive heard so much about you two!''i say pulling away.''how are you here?''john asked.''sam..he um..he killed me..''i say.''why would he do that?!''marry asked.''i dont know..''i say.suddenly i feel a pain in my chest i grab it.''i thought in heaven you dont feel pain?!''i ask.''something is happening to your body on earth!''ash says.''it was amazing meeting yall!''i say and hug my grandma and granpa.it goes black agin.

Kenzie Winchester-Book 2 Of The I'm The V TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now