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After school,dean comes and picks me up and we head back to the house.we get there and i run in and go straight to my room.i dig thru my dresser for a dress.''hey kid whats going on?''dean asked.''im going to a part-birthday later and i need an outfit!''i say.''who's birthday?''he asked.''one of lydia's friends!''i say.''so you dont know this person?''he says.i look at him.''im gonna be fine dean..''i say.he sighs.i wave bye and he walks away.A few hours later,im finally ready.lydia is on her way to pic me up.Outfit:

i grab my white nike's and put them on

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i grab my white nike's and put them on.i look in my mior and fix my hair.i grab my phone and run out of my room.''where you going?''sam asked.''birthday party..''i say walking towrds the door.''okay!''sam yells as i close the door.i told lydia i lived down the rode at a empty house.i use my powers for the first time in a long time.i speed to the house and wait at the driveway.she pulls up.i hop in the back with allison.''hey kenz!''allison says.''hey alli!''i say.we pull away.it's me,allison,jackson and lydia in the car.after awhile we pull up to a big house.we get out and go in.there's loud music and peple drinking.i see the kareoke stage and people singing.''you should sing tonight!''allison says.i shake m head.''i dont know about that!''i yell.''come on your amazing!''she says.i smile.we go get drinks and me and allison stay together.after a few hours i go up on the stage.i grab the mic and start singing."only think about him on the weekends and weekdays,only in the morning and evnen,only when i wake up and sleep in oh my god,should read the warning on the lable,i dont said procedd with caution,but i wont,guess i do it often i know,im already gone.its sad but true,i go t hell and back if i could gothere with you,oh what do i do,oh my god im a fool keep on running back to you im so stupid for ya if so stupid.your so bad for my helth but i just cant help myself im so stupid for ya im so stupid ya.i have a list of all my habits,habit.i wish i didnt have it so bad it,cause all of them are you and the bad things you do,its sad but true i go to hell and back if i could go there with you oh what do i do?oh my god,im a fool keep on running back to you im so stupid for ya im so stupid for ya,your so bad for my helth but i just can help myself im so stupid for ya im so stpid for ya.im so stupid for you.."i sing.i get a few claps from the sobber people.i look around and start seeing someone.i skwint my eyes,its sam?i see him walk towrds the back door.i jump off the stage and go to chase after him,''oh my god you were so good!''allison says.i nod and run towrds sam.i go in the back and see him walk out of the back gate and towrds the woods.i run towrds him.i go outside of the gate and dont see him anywhere.i do see some one ells.''stiles,scott?''i say confused.''uh hey kenzie!''stles says.''what the hell are yall doing back here?''i ask.''werewolf stuff!''scott says.i make my eyes turn yellow and my vangs pop out.''lets go then!''i say.we start walking thru the woods.''did yall see sam anywhere?''i ask.they shake there heads.all the sudden were all three pulled up into a net.''what the!?''i say to myself.i see a figure walk out of the shadows.''sam?''i say.''guess agin..''a hear afemale voice say.''ruby..''i say.she laughs.''what do you want?!''i yell.''well i need a new meat suit as your unce calls it and i found the perfect one..''she says and looks at stiles.''do you dare touch him!''i yell.she smiles.''aw trying to help your boyfrined form the big bad demon?''she says mocking.''demon?!''stiles says.ruby walks towrds the net and stroke stiles face.i show my vangs.''yes demon...and you seem scared?''ruby says.''leave him alone!''i say.''leave him alone!''scott says.i try to wiggle my way out but it didnt work.she lets the net go and scott gets infront of me and stiles.i grab stiles and speed off.i run to the buncker and inside.he has deep wounds where the net cut into his skin.''dean!?!''i yell.no answer.i lay him on the table and find a fiirst aid kit.i speed back to him and sit next to him.i start cleaning his cuts with little vodka bottles.he yells.''calm down...''i say holding him down.i but some bandages around it and he sits.''thank you knezie..''he says.i look down and play wit my hands.''its no big deal..''i say.he grabs my hands.i look at him in the eyes.''stop pretending like you dont like me...''he says.i stare in his eyes.he leans in and as where about to kiss the door opens and i jmp off the table.''kenzie?''dean says.''dean were's sam?''i ask.''i dont know he dissapeared!''he says.''ruby is after stiles she says she needs a new vesil!''i say.''okay kid you can stay here we got a deamon to catch!''dean says.dean walks outside.and i look at stiles.''i do like you..'i say and kiss him.he kiss back then  pull away.''i ahve to go stay here..''i say.he nods and i speed to the impala.

Kenzie Winchester-Book 2 Of The I'm The V TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now