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After Work,we all get back in the car after saying bye to deaton and i grab my phone.''what's your address?''stiles asked.''um go to the dump..''i say.they look at me weird.''its close to that!!''i say.they nod and we head to the dump.before we drive in i stop stiles.''take a right right here..''i say.he turns and i see the entrance to the uncker.''okay you can stop here!''i say.''there's nothing here?''scott says.we get out and i go to the uncker door.''you live in the buncker?''stiles asked.''um ya,my dad's very paranoid!''i say.''just stay out here ill go get dean.''i say.i walk in and go down the stairs.''dean!im ack with tthe car!''i yell.he walks into the open area.''okay you can invitet the boys in while i take a look at it.''he says going up the stars.i follow.

we go back outside.''hey dean said yall can come in while he's working on it!''i say.they smile and follow me.me and stiles walk thru the door but when scott tries he gets flown back.i gasp and stiles looks at me.we run outside and i see dean pointing a gun and scott.''dean wait!!''i yell.i run to scott and kneel next to him.''what are you?..''i ask scott.he gulps and looks around.i grab deans gun.''callm down he's not dangerous..''i say.dean pulls away the gun.''i-im a werewolf..''scott says.my eyes widen.dean points his gun back at him.stiles runs to scott.''he can control it he's not dangerous!!''stiles say putting his hnd infroont of the gun.''pls your not scared of me...''i say.dean looks at me and puts the gun down.''im not scared of him,i just want him to hurt you..''dean says.''i wont sir i wont!''scott says.dean walks away.''i can fin for myself!!''i yell as dean walks over to the car.w help scott up and they look at me.''how?''stiles asked.''um i am a vampire...''i say looking down.''cool!!''stiles says.''why does your uncle know about this?''scott asked.''he's a hunter my dads side of the family was full of hunters..''i says.they look at me suprised.''so your one us and your being raised by hunters?''scott asked.i nod.i see from the corner of my eye stiles just stareing at me.''hey kid this might take all night i would call your dad to come gt you!!''dean yells.stiles nods.

after awhile a cop car pulls up.''why are the cops here?!''i ask worried.''my dads th sheriff.''stiles says.dean looks at me and walks over.''whydidnt you tell us?''he asked stiles.''i didnt-''he starts.''hey crazy kids get in the car!''sheriif stilinski said.stiles looked at him weird.''hello sheriff..''dean said and they shakie hands.''do you live around here?''he asked.''yes riht down th road i work here and i was helping fix your sons car!''dean says.''okay then..hello you must be kenzie!''sthe sheriff says.''um ya?how did you know my name?''i ask.'stiles talks ab-''he gets cut off.''okay dad its time to go!!''stiles says pushing his dad towrds the car.dean laughs.i bluush and walk over to the car as there getting in.i lean over towrds the window.''um you could probly pick the jeep up before school toommorw!''i say looking everywhere but stilles eyes.''thank you..''stiles says and puts his hand on my arm.i shoot up.''uh your welcome!see you toommorw!''i say smileing.they drive away.i fell a hand on my shooulder.''if he hurts you imma kill him..''dean says.i roll my eyes and face him.''he wont..''i say and walk inside smileing to myself.

The Next Day,i ake up with a text from scott.Text:

Scott-were on our way

i jump up and run to my bathroom.i brush thru my hair and put some lip gloss o then run to my closet.Outfit:

i grab my bag and phone and run out of my room

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i grab my bag and phone and run out of my room.''hey im getting a ride from stiles!''i yell running up the stairs.''okay!''dean yells.i ope the door and see stiles about to knock.''uh hey..''he says scratching his neck.i smile and we walk out.we get in his car and head to school.we pull up and when i get out of the car allison,lydia and jackson look at me.''uh ill see yall later!''i say and walk away.i walk up to allison and lydia.''why were you in stiles car?''allison asked smirking.''his car was messing up so he took it to my uncle and we had it over nigh so he came and picked it up this morning and i rode with them!''i say out of breath.''okay?''lydia says.''so there's a birthday party tonight and i was wondering if yall wanted to go?''lydia asked.i look down.''um i dony know..''i say.''there's gona be dancing and karoke!''lydia says.''sure were in!''allison says.''great!''lydia says and walks off with jackson.i look at allison like "rly".

At Lunch,i walk in and see lydia waving me over to her table or scott and stiles....i think.on one hand allison is with lydia,on the other hand its stiles..i look at lydia and point to stiles then fold my hands.she nods and i go sit next to scott across from stiles.it might sound weird but when i talk to stiles i never look at him.i cant,when i look in his eyes i get scared of myself.we laugh and talk all lunch period.i can feel stiles eyes on me the whole time

Kenzie Winchester-Book 2 Of The I'm The V TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now