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A week later,me and allsion are still very close.johnny,nadia and hayden hate me for sure.annie texts me but i dont respond.me and stiles are close agin.i rly like him.like alot.sam has been trying to get close to me agin.im just scared its a plan.im not a vampire anymore.so how am i supposed to ruin everything?mr and dean are still close but we never talk about the night i...died..i wake up."staurday finally.."i say to myself.its still early so i get up and go to the kitchen.i start making breakfast.i make grilled cheese with bacon and a salad.when im done i sit down and start eating.dean and sam walk in and look at the table."you made breakfast?"sam asked.i nod."good job kid!"dean says giving me a high five.they sit down and start eating."so sam i wanted to talk to you.."i say.dean looks at me.sam kinda glares at me then continues eating."if ktd about that then no.."sam says.dean looks at him."shes your daughter she deserves some answers and im your brother i want to know."dean says.we look at him."fine...ruby said that you are more than just a vampire..that your somthing else and what you are...are destined to kill the world.."sam says lokking at me in my eyes."and you believe ruby?"dean asked."it wasnt just ruby was it?"i ask."no..um lucifer told me..and he doesnt lie..just manipulates.."sam says.i stand up."im not vampire anymore!"i say.the look at me weird."what?"dean askd standing up."since i um you know i havent had mynpowers or vangs.."i say."how?"sam asked.i shrug."ill figure it out!"dean says and walks to the livingroom.me and sam follow."i pray to the angel castiel that he get hos feathery ass down here!"dean yells with his eyes close.we hear a gust of wind behind me and sam.we turn around and see castiel.hes looking at me."your still alive?"castiel asked.i nod slowly."cas what does that mean?you were there when she came back.."dean says."i-i just thought someone might have killed her by now.."he says.i roll my eyes."cas what haplend to me?im not a vampire anymore."i say.hjs eyes get wide."your not?"he asked.we all nod.he starts walking around."theres only one creature that can die as a vampire and come back a human...and its only because there clinsing your system for new blood.."he says.my eyes widen."what am i?"i ask."human for now..is the there anybody who you recently meet who has dark hair bark eyes and tanner skin?"he asked.i shakr my head."ive meet plenty of people like that but not recently?"i say confused."what the hell is she gonna beccome?!?"dean yells.i look at him."a black angel.."cas says.my eyes widen."so shes gonna be one of you?"sam asked."not exactly..this type of angel can clap there hands and end the world..these type look like what human think angels look like.."castiel says looking at me."so im gonna hve a halo and wings?"i ask confused.sam and dean look at me like seriously?"what?"i say."its your destiny..god created you to do this..you end this world and create a new one a new hell and a new heaven.."he says.dean looks at me."can we stop it?"dean asked."im not sure..its destined.."castiel says.i nod."kenzie?what are tou doing?"sam asked.i walk over to castiel.i hug him.he slightly hugs back."thank you ,you've helped alot.."i say.he nods then disappears.i start walking away."mack where are you going?"sam asked."i have to go..im dangerous...you were right..i cant put yall in danger..theres gonna demons and angels looking my ass an dim not letting yall be in the middle.."i say.dean hugs me."you dont have.to leave we can help you.."he says.i shake my head an dpull away."i have to...im not just a teenager now.."i say.i go to my room and start packing.

Kenzie Winchester-Book 2 Of The I'm The V TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now