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We speed down the highway in the impala.''where did you see ruby?!''dean asked.''behind lydia's friends house!''i say.i tell him where to go and we pull up.he looks around.''there are demons here looking for someone or somthing we have to be careful!''he says.i nod.he gets out and grabs the knife that can kill the demons and gives me a rocksalt gun.we hide the weapons and walk inside.dean grabs my hand and pulls me thru the crowd.we go to the back door and run out of the gate.''this way!''i say running the way me,stiles and scott went.''scott!''i say and run up to him.''ill be back!''dean says.i watch as he runs off.''scott are you okay?''i ask.''s-she has a-allison..''he says.my eye's widen.''what do you mean?!''i ask.''s-she's in a-allison..''he says.''can you stay here?!''i ask.''go get her kenzie..''scott says.i jump up and speed off towrds dean and run next to him.''ruby is in allison!''i say.''allison argent?!''dean asked.i nod.''damn it!''he says.we run until we come to a clearing.''where the hell is she?!''dean says.i look around.''this way!''i yell smeelling the air.we run towrds the road.we come to a house.we hide behind a bush and watch as demons circle the house.''stay here..''i say.''kenzie wai-''i speed off with the knife.i speed around the house killing all of the demons.i go back to dean.''we can get in!''i say.he nods and we creep towrds the house.we walk in and see allison,well ruby but in allisons body.laying on the ground while sam sucs blood off of her arm.''allison!!''i yell.they both look at us.sam stands up.ruby stands up with him.''kenzie!''sam says.i just look at him.''rly sammy!?!''dean says.''see i found a new human i can use..and she's so young and soft..''ruby says.''you so of a-''i start.''oh no need for that kind of talk..''she says.''sam why would you do this!?''i ask.''i need the power!''he says.''no you dont!your doing what he wants you to do!''i say.''sam dont listen to them!they just want you to be weak!''ruby says.sam puts his hand up and my throat starts to tighten.''sam stop!"'dean yells.''d-d-dean...''i say floating in the air.''sam stop!!''dean yells and jumps on him.i fall to the ground and ruby comes over to me.she sits on my chest and try's to stab me.i grab her hand and hold it up.her eyes turn black.''you've been the problem since the day you were born..''ruby say.she gets pulled off of me and i stand up slowly.i get thrown aginst the wall.my throat tightens agin.i see dean laying on the floor next to ruby.''s-sam..pls..''i say holding my throat.i watch as his eyes turn black.''d-d-dad i know y-yoyu dont w-w-wanna do this..''i say barly.''i have to you you shouldnt have been born!!your gonna end everything!!''he says tightening the grip.i start chocking.my eyes water.everything goes dark.and i hear the door fly open and i hit the floor.after that i dont hear or see anything.it's all black.i look around and dont see anything but black.soon i open my eyes and im in the impala.just me.im stopped on a road.i get out and see a house i never thoght i would see agin.the door opens and i see maddie...''kenz mom said to come inside for lunch!!''maddie yells.she didnt look like no maddie..

she walked inside and i followed her

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she walked inside and i followed her.i walk in and see my mom sitting at the table with dinner ready.''go wash up kenzie i have some news!''my mom says.i walk to the kitchen and get my stoll and wash my hands.as i walk down the hall way i pass a mior.i look at myself.

i look at myself

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im s confused.i sit down next to my sister at the table.''so mommy has some good news!''she says.''what is it?!''maddie asked.''mommy got a job in los angeles!''she says.oh my god..i rememebr this...is mile and finish the memorie.''but mommy all my friends are here!''maddie says.she gets up and stomps away.i get up and go hug my mom.''im happy mommy..''i say.''i love you mackenzie..''she says.suddenly i look up and im somewhere else.im in a car...i feel a hand on my leg.i look up..''oh my god..''

Kenzie Winchester-Book 2 Of The I'm The V TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now