Chapter 6: Your Dance

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Kae was very curious in this little tiny old paper thing, and the poping magical two people dancing together. Kae wonder what if she touch the thing that floats under the old paper. "aww" said kae. "It seems I can't touch it. It's a little bit strange when I touch it, what's with this thing?!" a deep voice raise up. "Hello! Kae, the supper is ready. Please get rid of those dirty things." Kae close the paper immediately. Fortunately, her dad didn't see the old paper. "Oh! -yeh- yes. Father."
Kae directly put the paper inside her secret box hiding below her bed. A color pink, with those goldish unique line details, and the little antique small key hole located beyond the center of the box. She put there all of the things, all of the things that she got from her past trip and the trip when they are on the Peruan Forest. All of the stuff are in there. "Hopedadwillnotfindthisthings,orelse. Idon'tknowwhatwillIdo."Kae left the room clean, and fix herself before going donwstairs.

''Itspast8pm. ButstillI'mnotsleepy. Ijustwanttodosomething,something.... '' Kae sit on the floor and check her secret box. She open and see the paper. Glowing a white light, at once she open it and, surprised when she see the two people... disappear. But, suddenly kae think that the two people who are holding their hands together were so familiar.. she seems, see that people located in their garden. After thinking the people that disappear on the paper, she didn't refuse to go to bed and lie down, instead she get her coat and slowly open the second door toward to their garden.

"Itscolddownher,youknowKae. Whyareyoudoingthis?!"suddenly kae stop for a while and think, 'what are she doing down there.' Kae speak again to herself and "whydoIfeelthisthing,herebesidemyheart,orinmyheart?The'resomethingshewanttotellme. (pertainingtoherheart)" she walk around the garden and search where the people located. She see a door that locked, this thing, this door seems very familiar to her. "DidIseethiswhenIwasakid?"

Kae feel a bit strange. She remembered her key the key that her grandmother gave to her when she was 7 years old. It is the necklace she was wearing now. She tried to insert the key on the hole and it... and it...

and it open! She was shocked when she see what's inside. She was right, the people located was there, inside in that locked room. The room seems very old, antique thing.

"Butwhydidtheylockedthisroom?Didgrandmothergivemethiskeytogetridofthisthings?Ey'whatareyoudoinginthisroomkae?Yeah,I'dbettergetoutinthisroom. It'skind'acreepy"

Kae pass the posters suddenly a paper fell on her head.

Kae stop for a minute and look around to know who did throw that old parchment. But no one is coming out. "Hey! If you didn't show yourself.. ugh.. I-I will burn this place"


A cute little tiny bunny appear in her eyes. "Who-who-who are you? What kind of creature are you?" the cute thing came out and introduce herself to kae.

"Hack~ (a cute hiccups)
hack~~ I'm not a creature in this hack~~ world I'm from Markawasi. hack
We are called Blairies. Where did louisa go. I've got to find her...
Kae was very shocked on what she had saw.. she fell down at the floor because of the shockness.

Huck~~ huck~~ umu!! Miss? Miss?
Huck~ I huck~ am so sorry. I huck~ didn't mean to hurt you..

HEY! A loud voice came out . It was Mark. He was standing behind the big statue. He see Kae lying on the floor, his eyes are full of anxiousness. Mark run toward Kae ang mark lifted Kae and lay her down on the snowy bushy leaves.

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