Walking down the street

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Hot summer days. Excruciating heat. Sleepless nights, tossing and turning, trying to find a colder spot on the bed. Fires burning all over the country.  Worrying for the love ones who are sacrificing their life's too save ours from the blazing fires. Animals becoming extinct. Children losing their home, their safe places. Grown men on their knees crying for peace, rain and help.
Older civilians losing their life's work to natural disasters. Dams are dry. Animals have been shot. Food an water is scess.

Small Things

The smell of fresh rain. In town walking past a bakery, smelling the freshly cooked bread. Peoples laughter. Children playing on swings. Mothers relaxing. Ducks swimming in the river. Banter in the pubs. Dogs barking. Grass is growing. Music that makes you move to the rythem. Enjoy the peace.


Enjoy the small things in life, because in one split second anything could change that all, an you will be fighting for your life and others.

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