CHAPTER 24. 𝑭𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒎𝒆

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ᴊᴜɴɢᴋᴏᴏᴋ's ᴘ.ᴏ.ᴠ.

They walked in the living room with their hands over their mouth, trying to not show the smiles they had on their lips.

„What? He is my mate, I thought this was normal" Jimin said with a smirk on his face.

„No if I don't agree on it!" I said with a pout. The guys shook their heads before lifting me up from his lap.

„Aish, no fun, I wasn't going to do anything. His face was just perfect"

I growled at him, almost wanting to kill him, almost.- „What, don't tell me you didn't like it" My mate added while smirking even more.

„You are a jerk! You have always been a jerk!" I walked away to the stairs and look to the kitchen.

„Jisoo! Omega talk, now!" Jisoo immediately came to me smiling and then help me up the stairs. Walking up I was staring intensely at Jimin.


Two days later I woke up by Jimin who was shaking me.

„What is it? I want to sleep some more" I numbled and snuggled more into the pillow but he just sighed and threw the cover off me before picking me up.

„I'm sorry but you have to" He said as I started feeling that something was wrong. He felt really stressed.

„Jimin, what's wrong?" I asked as he carried me and grabbed my robe. He didn't look at me- „I'm serious, what's wrong?"

„I-It's my father. Jin said that he doesn't have much time left..."

My eyes went wide open before I jumped down from his arms, put on my robe and dragged him quickly to the alpha's house.

When we got there Jin adjusted the tubes that was connected to our alpha.

„My son, Jungkook, come here" We did as the old man said, sitting on each side of him.

„Please, don't be sad, we all knew that this day would come" He took our hands and put them together, holding them over his chest.

„You can't do anything for the pack without the other one-" He paused for a little and then continued.

„-I know you two are special, I can feel a special bond between you two. It's stronger than other mates bonds. You will do much more that I could, so stay with each other.."

Jimin was crying at this point and tears threatened to escape my eyes too.

„N-no, you can't leave me. I can't do this. I don't know enough.." Alpha smiled at Jimin, a smile that showed so much love- „Please f-father..."

„You aren't alone, you have Jungkook, he will help you and you have a whole pack that is willing to help you. Taehyung, Yoongi and Baekhyun are also there for you so don't be
afraid, everything will work out"

The old man said with a weak voice. Jimin started crying more and my heart literally broke at the whole scene.

„I know that you are young but that might be an advantage for you. You will have more knowledge to pass down to the next alpha"

I couldn't hold it in any longer as my head bent down and the tears were sliding down my cheeks.

I couldn't hold it in any longer as my head bent down and the tears were sliding down my cheeks

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