CHAPTER 37. 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒏

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Jungkook's P.O.V

- „You can't believe that you can find Ravi in the Rogue lands“ I turned around as Suga released his grip on my shirt. „I know you are angry, but finding him won't really help Jennie“

„I know but he can't just do that! And get away with it without lethal wounds himself!“ I screamed at him, what does he think.

„No, he will come back, and then we will do anyt-“ I cut him off by anger, I slapped him. But right after I noticed what I had done and the anger disappeared. „No no! I didn't think, please I'm so sorry, I would never-“ I thought he would get angry, but he pulled me into a hug, holding me tight. I relaxed, he was right and I let my anger take over, mentally weaker...

„I think that you need Jimin, a clam one, I know it, please let us go home“
I nodded against his chest before he moved back, wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we walked home.

When we got home, Jimin stood outside like he was waiting for us. I ran towards him, into a hug as I cried away all my negative emotions. He picked me up bridal style and walked inside. He sat down on the couch with me on his lap, when I looked up I could see Taehyung, Suga, Namjoon, and Daniel standing or sitting in front on us. I wiped my tears and stood up, Jimin took my hand, confused why I stood up.

I looked at everyone, completely serious. „If we don't do something now we won't be prepared when Ravi comes back. The high Deltas will be there fighting, but that won't be enough. I will make a team under my command that will make our victory set. Tomorrow I'll contact everyone I need to meet me in the fighting area“
They nodded as the knew I had a plan that I wouldn't let go of.

My hand that Jimin still held made me calm and determined, his father said that I should help Jimin with what I could, but it's him who needs to help me. Jin walked in, he was in his white robe that was, in some spots, stained with blood. „There is a big chance that she won't die, but I can't say when she will wake up, she must have experienced a lot of trauma“

I took a deep breath so I wouldn't cry again before looking up at Jin. „Hoseok, how is he..?“ Jin looked away for a second and sighed. „ He is completely devastated.. I don't think he will be able to calm down and rest...“ I'm sure that he is with Jennie right now, crying his heart out..

I looked at Jimin. „I want Hoseok to move in here, he needs room to sleep in so he can have a good rest.
He won't leave her“ He nodded, agreeing with me before looking at Daniel. „You will also move in, Taehyung asked me some days ago, with your knowledge you
will help us a lot“ Jimin explained.

„I'll help Daniel to pack and bring his stuff here“ Taehyung said. I think that Daniel will sleep on the couch and Hoseok in my old room.

„Jimin, I'm tired..“ He looked at me who couldn't keep my eyes open for much longer. „Can you carr-“ I didn't have time to ask him before he lifted me up in his arms, he probably felt that I wanted to be carried. He walked by the guys and they said 'Good night' one by one.

- I woke up in the dark, it wasn't the first time.. The nightmare didn't want to stop, something Jimin of course felt.
He quickly grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. It helped me to calm down.

„I'm so sorry that I'm making you wake up too..“ He shook his head and kissed my shoulder. „I mean it, you need to sleep“ I whispered.

„And so do you, I care more about you and your feelings than sleep. If there it's one or two or even three nights where I don't get a full night of sleep, I won't care if it for you my love, you are my everything“ I relaxed just by his words, as I'm now calm he laid down, and I decided to lay as close
to him as possible when he held one arm around me. „I love you too“

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