CHAPTER 35. 𝑰 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒅

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Jungkook's P.O.V

- I woke up by the sunlight shining into the room, Jimin wasn't beside me. After thinking of him, a memory popped into my head. I threw away the blanket before hurrying over to the mirror. The bandage was still there, it wasn't a dream.. Slowly removing it to confirm it even further and- There it was. The mark. I can't believe that I had my first heat, with everything that has happened and all
that probably will happen I haven't really had my mind on that kind of things..

I was so scared that I hid. But he found me, I would be surprised if he didn't. His touch made me even give in so fast, but I wouldn't say that it's a bad thing. The pain was almost as bad as what Jimin did, now my legs are just sore. It was kind of cute that Jimin contacted Jin to help with his bite mark, even if he could do it himself. Like Jin said, since it's a mate mark it heals over a night. Touching it gave me tingles, shit, what will then happen if he touches it.

I wonder if the other knows about this. I don't know if I rather want them to be surprised and ask questions when they see the mark or that they would just stare at me as I walk downstairs. Taking a step back to move towards the dresser, I took a wrong step and fell! luckily I could catch myself. I looked up and saw something laying under the bed.. Jennies present! She gave it to be at my 18th birthday.

As I reach for it I thought of how I ever could forget about it Well, I was probably busy with my new impossible roommates and everything on the side. I removed the wrapping and opened the little box.

It was a beautiful necklace. It looks almost handmade, she has always been crafty but I have never seen one of her other jewelry that she made turn out this good. I need to contact her, it has been some time ago since we had a little friendly date.

I felt my hunger so I put on the necklace, hurried a little to get dressed, and walk out, but I stopped at the door. I touched the mark and bite my lip, well they are going to see it sooner or later. As I walked down I saw Taehyung and Jin talking about some paperwork, it's understandable that Taehyung also need some help now and then. „Good morning“

They looked at me who lust had stepped down to the floor. „Good morning, Suga made some toasts just a minute ago for him and you but you will have to eat them alone, he had a meeting he forgot“

This isn't the first time he has had to hurry away after remembering a meeting. I nodded with a smile before my feet took me to the kitchen, and no questions were asked, I can build up some courage while eating, it's just Taehyung. 

„Jungkook, what is that on your neck?“ Or maybe not. I turned around scratching my neck, intentionally covering up the mark at the same time. „What? Do I have something on my neck? I don't feel anything“ I said a little nervously.

„Well. I'm quite hungry“ I said and turned around again.

„He and Jimin mated and he marked him“ I heard Jin say with a monotone voice. „What?!“ My eyes widen and l hurried into the kitchen, a confrontation, no thanks!

„Jungkook wait!“ Tae followed me into the kitchen and gently grabbed my hand to stop me. „Please tell me it wasn't forced upon you, did his wolf take over or something. Does the mark still hurt? Do I have to talk to him? I can-“ I cut him off by squeezing his hand.

„Please calm down. No Jimin didn't force me. I.. had my heat, he said that he wouldn't do anything I didn't want him to do“ He calmed down a bit and I could see his eyes turning to the mark again. „The mark was my idea“ He looked at me a little confused.

If he would ask if I wanted to be marked a while ago I would have given a big no „I'm tired of him being mad at every guy I'm around, I thought that it was marked by him it would calm it down, and I kind of want to show that I'm his..“

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