CHAPTER 28. 𝑯𝒆𝒍𝒑 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒓 𝒑𝒂𝒄𝒌

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ᴊᴜɴɢᴋᴏᴏᴋ's ᴘ.ᴏ.ᴠ.

I was waiting at home for Jennie to come and get me, we were going to the human town to get me an outfit.

Taehyung was escorting us, for my safety of course. The reason why is that we were going to meet with the alpha of the Glacier pack.

We need their help to protect our pack from Ravi. Their alpha is Ravi's uncle.

Jimin's dad told us before he passed away that they have a very old school way to live when it comes to behaving. For example, I should look down to not disrespect their alpha.

We will bring five deltas, like Yoongi if something happens. I'm a little scared, I have a little problem with myself, I never listen.

And this might be a very bad time to not do what I have been told.

„Jungkook! Jennie is here!” Taehyung shouted from outside. I hurried to the door so we could leave as soon as possible.

I really don't want to come back late. They were outside but annoying enough, Jimin was standing by the door.

„Please be careful” He said and of course, I didn't listen and walked right past him.

„How long will you keep ignoring him?” Taehyung asked. As I directly started to walk they did the same— „This can't last” He whispered.

„I won't stop until he understands that I'm not someone to play with” I explained.

Taehyung sighed and looked at Jennie, probably thinking the same thing but I didn't care.

I can't just keep this going. If I give him attention and he continues to play with me, I might fall harder for him. Then I will just be a toy in his grasp.


We had been looking in, I don't know how many stores in the town. I was about to give up hope but Jennie knew more stores.

She took us to an expensive store, Taehyung would pay with the money he had gotten from the alpha's savings, it's for this kind of situations.

I really didn't want an expensive outfit, but Jennie said that we could only find the right clothes here.

Again as on my birthday, Jennie was looking around and so was Taehyung. I was just standing there, looking around a bit.

Jennie had showed me many but it was always something wrong with it. Either it was too revealing or I can't have it in the forest.

Taehyung didn't take any clothes from their place. But suddenly I heard his voice— „What about this?”

When me and Jennie turned around we almost dropped our jaws, the outfit was so beautiful.

It had a boat neck so it wasn't too revealing and it wasn't to tight on the legs.

„It's perfect Tae, I didn't know you had a taste for style when it comes to clothes!” I said as he raised his shoulders with a smile.

„I should be good at something right?” He said and of course, I hit his shoulder and looked up at him.

„You are good at a lot of things, don't be so fricking humble all the time”

He nodded  before walking to the cashier. Jennie hugged me from the back and put her chin on my shoulder.

„Are you still nervous?” She asked. I nodded, what if everything won't go as planned.

„You are better than Jimin when it comes to serious matters, he easily gets angry when the others goes too far, you can calm him down, use the mind link”

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