𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 [ɴᴀʀʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ]

501 16 14

Kim Taehyung, the kid who always stood up for anybody who needed it. Never ignoring if someone was getting hurt, even if he was then beat up afterwards. He was picked on for helping everyone. Oh, what a world we live in.

It was Taehyung's first day at his new school, as a third-grader. He had moved from his town in Daegu to Seoul. He didn't care since he moved because the bullying he was receiving was getting too intense and teachers never did anything. The new school was bigger and seemed nicer from the outside. But his thoughts changed quickly as soon as his first period started. The kids were horrible. Disrespected the teachers, and spoke down to the girls. Taehyung saw as the guys pulled on a little girl's hair, that angered him a lot. He was very smart, just goofy and usually didn't use it to his full potential. This time, he knew exactly what to do, defend her. He got up from his desk and made his way over there, the other guy was bigger than Taehyung, but he didn't care.

"Can you stop bothering her? She didn't do anything to you. Just leave her alone." Taehyung said his voice emotionless which was quite scary coming from a 9-year-old.

"Huh, you're the new guy. You don't know who I am. I rule this school, the only one that's eleven years old." The other guy said, apparently proud that he was way older than the rest of the school.

"That is not something you should be proud of, you have stayed back many times, I suppose. I would not share the fact I'm too dumb to pass third grade." His voice even colder, sending a shiver down the unknown guy's name. With that, he walked off.
Taehyung was playing alone in the playground, the only kid with no friends. He was sitting alone in the seesaw, about to get up, before he felt pressure on the other side. He looked up and saw a boy, Taehyung's first thought was that he was very pretty. Yeah, some guys would consider that an insult because of all the stereotypes they have been fed throughout their lives. The other seemed fragile, and Taehyung felt the sudden urge to protect him from the dangers that the world hid before they became older and it was thrown at their faces. A gentle voice interrupted his thoughts, it was sweet and gentle.

"Hey, my name is Jungkook. I'm new, coming from Busan. I'm in second grade, so I'm eight," Jungkook said, showing a beautiful smile that Taehyung would love to look at every day. He looked like a bunny.

"Oh wow, I'm new too. My name is Taehyung, Daegu. I'm a third-grader and I'm nine. It's nice to meet you." He greeted back, his voice now holding emotions of both delight, happiness, and excitement. He also shone his smile towards the other boy, who seemed lost in thought for a second before asking if he wanted to play with him for the remainder of recess. The two boys also spent lunch together, and it was an amazing time that they were sad they had to go to different classes.
"MOM! This guy was pulling this girl's braids so I stopped him, and I made a friend during recess. His name is Jungkook and he's eight. I felt gooey when I saw him, but I ignored the feeling. Lunch was good too because I spent it with my new best friend." Taehyung told his mom the second he got in the car.

"Oh, really sweetie? I'm glad you had a good day, I would love to meet Jungkook soon." His mother said with a knowing smile, as long as her son was happy, so was she.
"Momma, today I met this boy called Taehyung. He was very beautiful, and my heart started going fast like when I'm afraid, he's my new best friend." Jungkook told his mother as soon as he got into the car, his cheeks tinted a little shade of pink.

"Awww, yeah, baby? You should tell me more about him, he seems like a very good guy and we could meet his parents soon. Huh?" Jungkook's mom said, in her mind, she knew exactly why her son's heart started racing. It's the same feeling she felt when she saw her wife for the first time.
It was like that for a long time, the boys sharing everything, the two of them against the whole world. Of course, their families started growing closer, but not as fast as the boys since they never got time to meet. Taehyung's mother was thrilled to meet Jungkook's mothers since she was single as well and would love to make friends. The three women knew their children felt something else for each other since they never stopped about the other. Saying how their heart started racing and their bodies started sweating when together. They were always together, always at each other's houses no matter what. You would never find one without the other. They were inseparable.

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