27 🔥

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Hoseok took Taehyung's apology really well, practically jumping on the younger with joy. That lasted all of five minutes before he morphed into his serious dance instructor mode.

The song Jungkook needed to learn was a fast paced, yet provocative one. Naturally, the dance that accompanied it was as well. The moves were fun and J-Hope was a phenomenal teacher, but Jungkook kept getting distracted.

When he only knew Taehyung as V, he thought the elder's dancing technique was hard hitting and alluring. It was difficult to keep his eyes off of him then. But now . . .

Holy shit. But now.

When Taehyung slid his hands up along his thigh, Jungkook wanted to trace the same path on the elder's skin. When Taehyung gripped his neck in a teasing hold, Jungkook wanted to do the same, holding his neck as he pressed the blue haired boy into the wall. And when Taehyung licked his lips . . .

Jungkook needed to stop his thoughts there.

Luckily, J-Hope decided to grant them a break, praising their hard work. Jungkook sighed in relief. He couldn't take watching Taehyung for any longer.

The choreographer left the room, muttering to himself about finding a certain dance prodigy.

Once the door closed, Taehyung gripped Jungkook's wrist and pulled him out of the room. With a shit eating grin transforming his face, the elder led Jungkook up a series of stairs to a quiet, undisturbed part of the building. They raced down the hall before Taehyung pulled the younger into a secluded corner.

"You test my restraint so much when you dance like that," Taehyung said, his voice low and husky. He leaned his shoulder against the wall as he watched the younger bite his lip.

Jungkook edged closer to him. "Did you bring me up here just to talk? We could have stayed in the practice room if that was the case."

"Don't think I could have said what I wanted to back there," the elder drawled, desire pooling in his stomach.

He suppressed a laugh. Jungkook wasn't even touching him and Taehyung felt like he could explode.

"Yeah? And it's safer up here?"

"No security cameras," Taehyung stated. "So I don't have to worry about anyone overhearing when I say I'm so hard for you right now."

"Fuck," Jungkook groaned, his hands reaching for Taehyung's waist.

"I don't know if you're ready for that yet, Kook," Taehyung teased. He grabbed Jungkook's shirt and pulled him close, connecting their mouths quickly.

The intensity of the kiss surprised them both, nearly ripping the air from their lungs. Their lips moved against each other's frantically as breathy pants filled the otherwise silent halls.

Jungkook moved his hand to Taehyung's back, pulling the boy close enough for their hips to touch. Taehyung moaned into his mouth, the contact awakening even more desire within him. The sound encouraged the younger, who ran a hand into Taehyung's hair and gripped tightly. He walked them back until Taehyung was pinned against the wall.

When their lips parted mid kiss, Jungkook plunged his tongue into the elder's mouth. They immediately made contact, caressing each other as the younger held Taehyung's hair tighter in his hand.

A moan escaped Jungkook's lips and was consumed by Taehyung, who reached up to cling to his biceps. He squeezed the younger's arms, loving being caged in by a wall of muscles. Involuntarily, Taehyung thrust his hips against Jungkook, needing that additional contact.

Somehow, Jungkook ripped his mouth away from the elder and stared at him with dark eyes. He was about to embark on a path of no return; he needed to step away now before he started dry humping Taehyung.

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