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Taehyung and Jungkook didn't get a lot of sleep. They held each other for a while, talked about silly things for a while, made love for a while. When the sun finally started rising, the two boys drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.

Now, after a hectic morning of Jungkook packing, the two stood hand in hand in their apartment building's garage. A car set to take the younger to the airport was waiting behind them.

"Don't bother looking up time zone information. Just call whenever you feel like it, okay?" Taehyung softly ordered the boy, his thumbs rubbing surely over the backs of Jungkook's palms. He needed to memorize the feel of his skin.

Jungkook nodded his head, biting his tongue sharply to avoid letting his tears fall. He had a hunch that if he started getting emotional his love would as well. And he didn't want his last few moments with Taehyung to be filled with crying.

"I love you so much, Tae," Jungkook murmured finally, pulling the elder closer to his body. He wrapped his arms securely around his waist and burrowed his head into his boyfriend's neck.

Taehyung clung to him, hands intertwining in Jungkook's hair. "I love you, Kook. I love you more than anything."

The younger released a quiet sob, something that sounded like his heart was ripping in two.

"It's okay, baby," the elder comforted gently. "Try to think about all of the amazing things you'll see and do. Don't forget that you've worked so hard for this and that you deserve it all. I am so proud of you. And even though I'll be supporting you from afar, know that I'm here with you each and every step of the way."

Jungkook pulled back to stare into Taehyung's eyes, finding all the love in the world looking back at him. His gaze flitted to the elder's mouth before he leaned forward, kissing him softly.

Taehyung quickly deepened the kiss, pouring all of his feelings into the action. He thought of nothing at all; he simply savored the feeling of his love pressed against him.

Regrettably, they disconnected their mouths as they hugged each other a final time. Both of their hearts were racing like crazy both from the kiss and from the fear of saying goodbye.

Neither wanted to say that horrible word.

So Taehyung opened the car door and pecked the younger on the cheek. "Let me know when you land."

"I will. I love you."

Taehyung said it back as Jungkook ducked his head into the car and shut the door. The car immediately started pulling away and the image of Taehyung got smaller and smaller. The younger looked out his window until he could see him no more.

"Hi there."

Jungkook jumped and turned in his seat, startled to see a woman sitting there. He hadn't even realized her presence.

"Sorry to scare you," she said with a smile. "I'm Lily, one of the main publicists for Big Hit."

Jungkook stared at her, knowing he was being rude but confused as to why she was here.

Noting his baffled expression, Lily laughed and launched into an explanation. "I've been filled in on your relationship with V. And while the company is sympathetic to your situation, Big Hit still needs to keep up a positive image. I'm here to help guide you on appropriate responses to the questions you'll surely get in the upcoming weeks."

"Can't I just tell them the truth?" Jungkook asked, not clear on why he needed a scripted answer.

Lily shook her head firmly, but still wore a cheerful look. "Sorry, but no. We want to divert this negative attention to something more productive. Bringing up the scandal will only make it stick around longer."

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