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Taehyung brought his eyes to the door’s peephole, squinting to better see the hotel hallway.

“I don’t see anyone,” he murmured to Jungkook, who was securing a backpack over his shoulders. 

“Alright, then let’s make a run for it,” the younger said, coming up behind Taehyung. “I feel like we’re in an action movie.”

Taehyung chuckled, quickly turning around so his back was pressed against the wall. He made a show of looking side to side, bringing his hands up to imitate a mock gun. 

Jungkook stepped closer, closing the elder in with his body. “Oh, no. We both know you’re not the best at being stealthy.”

“Says the boy I caught snooping around at my photoshoot,” Taehyung teased, running his hands up the younger’s chest. He gripped the back of his neck and pulled him to his mouth.

When their lips connected, Jungkook sighed in content and brought his hands to rest on Taehyung’s waist. He tried his best to keep their kiss slow and unrushed, but Taehyung had other ideas. The elder bit down on his lower lip, pushing his tongue in once Jungkook gasped at the slight pain. 

Jungkook ripped his mouth away after a moment, fingers digging into Taehyung’s sides as he caught his breath. “Unless you want to stay in this room for the next hour, we might want to cool it.”

Taehyung laughed, a joyous sound that made the younger’s face lit up. “An hour isn't long enough to do what I want to do to you, baby."

Jungkook’s lips parted at that and Taehyung used it as an opportunity to kiss him fiercely once more. The elder pulled away once he had Jungkook moaning into his mouth, releasing his hold on his boyfriend.

“You’re such a tease, Tae,” the younger groaned, his eyes dark and voice rough. 

“Just giving you something to think about for later,” Taehyung smirked, trailing a hand down Jungkook's chest. "Unless, of course, you want to take care of this now."

His hand stopped right on top of the younger's arousal.

"Damn it, Tae, we're supposed to make a run for it so we can go sightseeing!" Jungkook huffed, but ground himself into the elder's hand anyway.

"Your mouth is saying one thing but your body says another, Kook," Taehyung purred, keeping his hand open and relaxed as the other boy moved against it.

Jungkook ignored him, bracing his hands against either side of Taehyung's head. His eyes bore into the elder's as he continued to roll his hips, frustrated he wasn't getting any other attention.

Taehyung watched him with an amused smile. "What's wrong, baby?"

"You could help, you know."

Deciding to have fun with the younger, Taehyung pulled his hand away completely. He lightly pushed the boy back, giving himself room to turn around and look out the peephole.

"We're in the clear to leave," Taehyung announced, a smirk twisting his lips up.

That smirk only lasted a moment longer, however, as Jungkook grabbed his hips roughly. The younger pulled Taehyung's ass back and immediately resumed grinding.

"Play time's over, Tae," Jungkook grunted out, rocking his hips steadily. "And I still want to go be a tourist, so we're doing this quickly."

Taehyung removed the younger's hands from his hips and turned back towards him. "Alright, baby. But pants off. No reason to ruin a perfectly good pair of jeans."

Jungkook dropped his pants and briefs to his ankles, sighing in anticipation as Taehyung lowered to his knees. A few minutes later, after a riveting performance by the elder, Jungkook found his release. Satisfied, he put his clothes back into place and pulled Taehyung up off the floor.

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