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Taehyung awoke early the next morning, eyes opening with a jolt as he turned off his alarm. It was a couple hours before he typically got up, but he had a special reason today.

He was going to video chat with Jungkook.

It was seven in the morning where he was, meaning it was nine at night back home. Excited and eager, Taehyung propped himself up and held his phone in front of him as it rang.

Suddenly, Jungkook's face filled the screen and Taehyung broke out into a smile.

"Baby," he breathed.

Jungkook smiled. "Tae. God, I miss you so much."

"I miss you, too," Taehyung responded, still smiling as he studied every inch of his boyfriend's face. "I'll be home soon."

"How's the tour been so far? Are you eating enough and getting enough sleep?"

Jungkook continued to ask him questions about the trip until he was all caught up. He nodded intently as Taehyung explained some of his favorite interviews so far and laughed at some of the mishaps he had.

"How's practice been?" Taehyung asked after sharing everything from his end. "I wish I could be there to help."

"It's been good. Tough, but good. I'm even working on a new song and dance," Jungkook revealed, his eyes lighting up. "I'm really excited for it."

The younger's happiness extended to Taehyung. "I'm so happy for you, Kook. What's your song about?"

Jungkook shook his head, smiling smugly to himself. "Not telling."

"Please?" Taehyung pouted, making his eyes big and sad.

"You're gonna have to wait, Tae," Jungkook said, stretching his free arm above his head.

Taehyung's eyes honed in on the action. "Wait. Hold your phone further away."

Jungkook's eyes twinkled as he obeyed, slowly pulling his phone away from his face.

"Fuck, baby. Why aren't you wearing a shirt?" Taehyung murmured, raking over the younger's naked and defined chest. "You know what that does to me?"

"I just got out of the shower when you called," Jungkook explained, panning the phone down his stomach. He bit his lip to refrain from laughing as Taehyung swore again.

He continued, "Tell me what this does to you, Tae."

"It makes me want you. Makes me want to touch you so badly," Taehyung said huskily, his voice saying each word slow and intentionally.

Jungkook groaned at his words, closing his eyes briefly as he imagined Taehyung's hands on him.

"Put your hand on your chest, baby," the elder ordered, his body beginning to warm up. "Softly drag your fingers over and around your pecs."

"Okay," Jungkook breathed, following Taehyung's instructions and letting his hand dance over his chest. He saw his boyfriend's eyes get darker as he traced the movement.

"How does that feel?"

The younger lightened his touch so it was barely there, a whisper of movement over his skin. "Nice. Though I wish it was you."

Taehyung chuckled darkly. "I wish it was me too, baby. But I'll help make you feel good now. You're going to do exactly what I say without question. Do you understand?"

Jungkook released a small moan, loving this side of Taehyung. "Yes. I understand."

"Set your phone somewhere so I can see all of you."

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