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Yoongi, true to his word, was able to sneak Taehyung backstage.

No one explicitly told Taehyung he wasn't allowed to be there, but the implication was clear. He had a feeling if someone saw him, they'd kick him out or find someone to remove him from the premises. This concert was still a big opportunity for Jungkook, however, so Taehyung decided to be as discreet as possible.

There was an out of the way corner that allowed full view of the stage, so Taehyung camped out there. The concert began just a few minutes prior and the three boys were performing the first song. The audience screamed at the top of their lungs, singing to the lyrics in time with Jungkook, Jimin, and Yeonjun.

Hoseok and Yoongi, both devoid of showtime responsibilities, were on the opposite side of the stage. Yoongi watched Jimin's every move, a big smile overtaking his face. Hoseok teased him every other second for it, but he was genuinely happy the elder found someone he cared about so much.

Namjoon was nowhere to be found. After the confrontation with Big Hit earlier in the afternoon, he disappeared without a word of where he was going. Neither Yoongi or Hoseok appeared to be overly concerned, though they checked their phones every so often.

For what, Taehyung didn't know.

As he watched Jungkook perform, he found himself thinking towards the future. Jungkook's future, more specifically. There was no telling what Big Hit had planned for him, seeing as they were not willing to cut his contract short. Taehyung feared they'd take advantage of him now, slowly wearing him out until he came to hate performing.

He deliberated consulting a lawyer when they got back home. There must be someone who could help find a clause in the contract, a loophole of sorts, to get Jungkook out of this mess of a company. And although his concerns went to Jungkook first, he was also worried for Jimin and Yeonjun. They were tied to Big Hit as well; they now worked for these same intolerant and inflexible people.

But there was only so much he had control over. Besides, there wasn't much he could do in a foreign country where he didn't speak the language. He'd have to wait it out.

The show quickly progressed and suddenly it was time for Jungkook's solo. The younger emerged from the wings of the stage, dressed in his all white ensemble. To Taehyung, he was the most exquisite thing he'd ever seen.

Taehyung crept closer to the edge of the stage, wanting a front row seat for this performance. The song about to be sung was written for him, after all.

Jungkook found his spot on stage and cheers erupted all around him. It was a frenzy out there as the audience recognized it was time for Euphoria. The music started, but with the loud cries from the crowd, Jungkook missed his cue. He stared out at the venue, a hand shielding his eyes from the bright stage lights.

Jungkook waved his other hand down, signaling the audio crew to turn down the track. Everyone backstage was utterly confused, but slowly the volume turned down anyway.

And that's when Taehyung heard it. The audience was chanting something in unison, growing louder and stronger with each repetition.

"Kim Taehyung! Kim Taehyung!"

Taehyung's mouth dropped as he heard his name being sung like a chorus. He didn't understand what was going on. Why were these people calling out for him?

Jungkook stood center stage, hearing his boyfriend's name - his boyfriend's real name - being echoed by the thousands of people in the audience. His heart beat in tandem with their chants and a smile lit up his face.

Tentatively, he rearranged his headset so the microphone was close to his lips. He tried to remember as many English words as possible. "Do you want to see Taehyung?"

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