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(A/N: this chapter is pretty short sorry -_- )

"What are you doing?"

Hawkodile screamed while punching the air continuesly, but was surprised it was just Dr. Fox

"Oh! Uh... Hi!.. wait... uh... how long have you been standing there?"

He asked with an 'unsure tone'.

"Um... I... just... got here"

"Oh! Phew! I thought you were there the whole time! Oh... um... wh-what's.. up?"

After saying those words he slowly leaned and posted on the wall while looking someplace else, trying and HOPING to impress his beloved crush by being cool.

"Ok?... um... i... I'd like to apologize for the way I behaved in the lab and- wait... hey! What's that behind you?"

When Hawkodile realized she was pointing at the box, He felt WEAK...

"Oh! Uh... that?!"

Hawkodile cuckled weirdly and nervously making her uncomfortable... VERY UNCOMFORTABLE.

"Tha-that's nothing!... SERIOUSLY!!! It's nothing! Don't worry about it!"

"ok... what's in it?"


"What's in it?"

"Oh! Uh... j-... just my... uh... O-OLD STUFF! YA- YEAH! just my old useless junk, that i don't need anymore!"

"So... you draw?"

Dr. Fox asked while moving her eyeglasses upward and downward, twice.


"Do you draw?"

"Um th-that's... N-NOT MINE! I... it's from an... OLD FRIEND?"

"Right... who's your freind?"

" i can't remember... oh! Um... you know you kinda lost track and focus from our last conversation, when... you were about to... apologize..."

Hawkodile said, trying to avoid and distract her from  the conversation of 'the box' that is all about her.

"Oh! Right! I forgot, i am so sorry! Ok... I'd like to apologize for the way I behaved in the lab..."

Hawkodile kept his arm behind his back and slowly lifting his left leg to push the box away from the two of them, while smiling weirdly at her.

"Aww man! I won't be able to 'eat this one out!' "

Hawkodile said inside his head then gulped, but what he didn't know... is that she noticed him not focusing or listening at her words.

" are... are you even listening?..."

She asked with a sad look making him  stop from moving.

"Um... you... should go"

"oh... why?..."

"Uh... um... im actually in the middle of... t- TRAI...NING..."

"Ok?... well... what kind of... training?"

"I'm... uh... LATE FOR MY... uh... training...N- nap?"

"Training nap?"

"ye... YEAH! I need to practice... napping..."

"YOU... need to practice and train... NAPPING?!"

"YES!... Yes?..."

"That... does not make ANY SENSE"

"Well nothing in this world does!"

Hawkodile replied then pushed her towards the door making her both confused and weirded out by him.

"Um... bye now!"

Then he immediately slammed the door, making Dr. Fox startled.

"Whoo!!! Mission accomplished! Wait... what am I SAYING?! I JUST ACTED LIKE A JERK AND A FOOL IN FRONT OF HER!!! UGH! I AM SO STUPID!!!

Then he started to bang his head on the floor... again...

But hours have past, and he still haven't stopped from banging his head real hard on the floor, he even felt it bruised! But he didn't care.

All he cared about is that HE became rude to his one and only crush.

Then... someone knocked on the door.

Different consequences cause of love (A Foxodile/Hawkofox fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now