Chapter 15: Chapter 15: I Gotta Have Faith-a-Faith-a-Faith-ah, Part 2

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I don't remember if I dreamt while I was out. I can remember vague hints of a woman's singing, some darkness in my mind, but I didn't remember much else. It didn't matter, as I had guests and that was a more important matter to attend to. Friendly ones, to boot.

It was He—shining me a divine light—and She, both sitting at the wall across from me. They were leaned over, watching me sleep the entire time, refusing to bother me. It must have been She that sang me to sleep; she had a pretty voice, if so. And that's not all, others were here: Leo—who was completely a ghost—Bob, and Jessica. All of them were standing around, looking at me.

Well, all of them were standing except Bob; he was a human-sized slug with 'a Bob's' head.

"Looking good there, Bob," I said to my old mentor, clicking my finger guns at him and winking.

"You can laugh, boy, but I had a wonderful time with my love up in the heavens," he sang, his slug body shaking as his head rocked side to side. "Not looking too good yourself."

I waved my hand in front of my face. "Ah, you know, beauty marks."

"You were born with that stupid-looking face. I meant you being stuck down here, in the dark."

"I—I don't have a stupid looking face. And yeah, kind of hopeless down here." I sighed out, running my hands through my blood-matted, and greasy, hair. I looked like a mess, but given the situation, I wasn't exactly hoping to look like a star. "I am glad you all came to see me, though. I hate the idea of dying down here alone."

"I mean, you have a light now," He said, pointing at the flicker of flame in his hand. "And you know, there is a way out. There's an underground sub bay here."

"Is there?"

"Yeah," She said. "We wanted to help you, like you've helped everyone else."

"I didn't really expect it. Truth be told, with the Seal saved, thought you'd leave me down here to rot. How is she doing anyways?"

"Why would we do that? And she's fine, all of them are. They're already back at the Carcer as we speak. You've been asleep for two weeks now."

"Again!? I hate these long sleeps."

"We watched you, kept you warm, extended the sleep so you'd heal. I mean, you were smacked around pretty heavily. What did you expect?"

"I know, I know, but—I guess they all think I've died, huh?"

She gave a nod.

"Why didn't you tell them any better?"

"I mean, we're gods, but we've been down here with you."

I pointed to Jessica. "Why not send a messenger?"

"Too late for that now, Mathias," He said, standing up. When he did, the rest did also—well, except Bob. "Let's just focus on getting out of here."

"Yeah, okay. Hey Leo."

"Yes, Sanguine?"

I picked up the staff and shook it at him. "I'll make sure Geraldine gets this."

"Thank you, lad," he called me. "Thank you for not—you know, killing her, or getting her killed."

I stood up and I shrugged. "Is what it is. You know, Leo, she hits like a mack truck."

"I taught her well."

I grumbled and rubbed the back of my head. "Yeah, you did. Really, Leo? Two-handed weapons?"

He gave me the biggest smile, clearly proud of Geraldine.

"Okay, enough talk," the Radiant said. "Let's get out of here."

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