Chapter 1: Do Not Waste Food

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[If you want to get right into the cute moments, please go to Chapter 2.]

It's a Friday afternoon and you were among the few people who stayed inside the library. It's very quiet since everybody is rushing back home after they're done with their classes. A couple heroes were patrolling the area. It's a usual sight so nobody cares that much.

"What is this fatass doing here?" A student whispered.

"Expansion quirk, maybe?" Another student whispered.

Your phone alerted you that it's time to go to your exam that you have just started cramping one hour ago. You looked up at the open sky but there's no moon. After letting out a deep breath, you quickly packed your stuff and headed out.

Since you have sharp ears but not as a quirk, you could hear the heroes discussing about students selling illegal drugs. You shook your head as you think that heroes should be doing something else since this kind of work could be done by the police easily except that it's a slow process.

You looked out the window as you went down the stairs and saw a group of people exchanging something in the bush. Since you didn't want to be late for your exam, you ran passed the heroes. Many people were rushing too so it wasn't that suspicious to see many students ran passed the heroes.

After your exam, you slowly walk to the entrance of your university while feeling relieved. Another student who just got out of the exam around the same time as you, ran passed you into a place where there's no headlight.

"If I was you, I ain't gonna go there." You thought.

Boom! That person, who ran passed you, was blown away and hit you. You both suffered some minor injuries while the student, who was on top of you, has some burns.

"Dang, I've should have listened to my mom when she told me not to have negative thoughts when walking through nature." You thought. (In the Cambodian culture, there's a myth that if you say bad words when you're in the wild, it will come true so that is where my inspiration comes from.)

You pushed the body away and ran as fast as you could from the scene since you can't help the student who is way bigger than you. The moment you think you ran far enough, you started catching your breath and walked slowly. Your backpack was so heavy that you couldn't stand straight anymore so you took off your backpack.

While you were taking off your backpack, the headlight was flickering and you realized that you are still inside school area. You got so hungry that you went to the nearest school mart to buy some snacks. The light was still so you went in and saw the cashiers under the counter. You ignored them and went on to get your food because you were just so done with everything.

While you were looking for the chocolate sponge cake, a fat hero in orange and black was eating all of the sweets in that row. You ignored him and grabbed the chocolate sponge cake. Since the camera was still running, you didn't want to be part of a theft. Because the student workers were scared the heck out of their mind, you decided to do the cashiers' work yourself with the help of some staffs who were under the counter, of course.

After you stepped out of the convenience store, your food was gone. You raised up your head and saw the villain who was on fire.

"Oh, that's the idiot who was consuming the drug earlier." You thought.

You became so angry that you took off your boot and stormed toward the villain. You jumped and threw your boot. It hit right in the head, causing the villain to tumble and fell down. You performed the classic finished move, step on the balls. All of the men, who were watching, were covering their men's part.

You turned around and saw Fat Gum still covering his manhood.

"What are you standing there for? You want me to beat your ass too?"

Fat Gum shook his head.

"Well good. Send this idiot to the police."

You went back inside the mart and grabbed another chocolate sponge cake.

"The police will pay for this." You said as you rushed out of the mart while dragging your heavy backpack.

"Excuse me?" Fat Gum asked politely.

You turned to him.

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