Chapter 7: Femme Fatal

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It's one week before the next full moon. Taishiro visited you once in a while when he's on break during his patrols. You're still not sure with your feelings for him. Of course, you like how he treats you and how he looks when he's in his Fit Gum form (plus cute in his Fat Gum form) but you're still not sure if you want to spend a lifetime with him.

Inside a small room in the therapy office, you were thinking about that even though you first planned to go there just to take a nap. Ever since your aunt found out where you lived, you couldn't sleep that well. You ended up waking every couple hours to check the window.

All of the sudden, you felt like you've been sucked into a black hole. You opened your eyes and you were in front of other heroes. Present Mic approached you.

"Sorry to bring you here all of the sudden but Fat Gum is fighting with the media for you."

You know exactly why the media is here. They wanted to get your info to contact you about how you knocked out a villain on flame. Present Mic needs you to calm down the media and not make the matter worse since the public do not trust the police because of some previous huge incidents.

You ate a special pill and ran to the crowd. You put on the sunglasses and mask on. From the help of Present Mic, Bakugou and Todoroki, you managed to pull off a stunt. You jumped from a height that you can handle then Bakugou and Todoroki tried their best to put you on fire but failed. It caught the attention of the media.

"You scum are worse than police." Your voice became lower since you borrowed the voice changing device and a mic from the detective team.

"As you can see, I'm quirkless and I'm wearing a fireman suit but the boot that I wore on that day was made from the same material as this suit. Don't bother the police for something as useless like this and go write some scandals."

You went down the stairs and pulled Fat Gum by his hoodie's string out of the crowd. As you walked back up into the building, one of the reporters shouted, "Did the police forced you to say this?"

That question caught you off-guard but in a funny way.

"Pfft," you turned to the media, "I'm only here to inform other quirkless people how to protect themselves when facing a villain similar to this."

Even though you actually want to boast about saving a hero who is a novice at handling the media, you resumed your journey to go back inside the building. You met up with Present Mic, Todoroki and Bakugou. They were concerned about you wearing a firefighter uniform for a long time as a rookie. You took off your outfit and you were panting and sweating at the same time. All the female interns had their eyes on you. It seemed like they were discussing something and then one of them approached you.

"How did you get close to Fit Gum?"

Fat Gum was wondering if they messed up his name. The moment your eyes met with the female intern, she realised who she's up against in order to win Taishiro's heart.

"Sorry but Eraser Head is closer to my type."

The girls were somehow half relieved and half not but the next thing they said caught you off guard.

"If you do end up with anybody, we'll support you and can we take a picture with you? We've been a fan of you ever since you started singing in your high school years."

You smiled and said, "Sure."

As Taishiro watched you taking pictures with the girls, he realised that you're a magnet to both genders. When he was thinking of how he could fight against those many people, you approached him and sniffed him.

"You smelled like flowers."

His eyes were wide open. He looked left and right.

"It's too noisy here. Let's talk somewhere else."

He led you to the emergency staircase. You were expecting that he would say something like you hurt his pride and he doesn't want you to save him from some minor stuff like this.

"Will you give me a heads up when you want to marry me?"

"We're skipping the dating part?"

"Don't we seems like a couple already?"

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