Chapter 5: Fat Gum turns into Fit Gum

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"It's fine if you ripped your dress." You assured him not to mess up when he's working.

"What do you mean?" He was confused.

"You're gonna look sexier." You teased him.

You heard an explosion and the call ended. While your friends were doing a soundcheck, you were eating to your heart content and also prepared to pack the food back home (#brokecollegekidslife).

Everybody started dancing. As you were waiting for Taishiro (Fat Gum) to arrive, a kohai asked you for a dance. You refused saying that your feet hurt since you were wearing heels. He said sorry for being inconsiderate, bowed and left to join a group of his upperclassmen.

An upperclassman approached you to show his kohais how it's done.

"May I have a dance with you?"

"Didn't he tell you that my feet hurt?"

"Well that's not an excuse to turn me down."

"No wonder nobody wants to dance with you. I'd rather dance with your kohai than you."

"You!" He said angrily.

"It's fine, senpai. Let it go." The kohai said.

"Let teach her a lesson." The other senpais joined in.

You were getting ready to fight, not literally fight, of course.

"Who wants to teach my queen a lesson?" A huge man in an orange hoodie stood behind you.

"It's about the damn time." You thought as you got out of your seat and walked toward him.

You pulled down his hoodie to let him know that you want him to bend down. You pushed his hoodie behind his ear and said, "Try not to use your quirk and make those guys go away." As you were about to give him a kiss on the cheek to make him blush while trying to be strong at the same time in front of those guys, he turned his head to you and you ended up giving him a peck. You got so shy that you wanted to hide so you decided to go under his hoodie to hide yourself. He turned into Fit Gum and placed his palm on your head to calm you down.

As he walked forward to those guys, you automatically followed his steps. Basically, you walked backward while being under his hoodie. Because he glared at them and plus he's pretty tall, those guys were at a disadvantage when it comes to strength, so they gave up on pursuing you.

"Hey, I'm pretty sweaty, you know?" He was embarrassed.

"I don't want those guys to see my face."

He took off his hoodie carefully. You pushed yourself away from him. You took off your hair tie and turned it into a bicep accessory.

"Is this a gift?" He asked.

"If you want it, you can keep it." You answered while looking at the dance zone.

"I'll cherish it." He smiled.

Your friends are back from dancing. They were excited to meet Fit Gum but he can't turn back to Fat Gum or else, the bicep accessory that you gave him would snapped. Your friends gave you the betting money and you were satisfied. You turned to look at Taishiro and he was smiling at you. You were a bit surprised that he didn't get mad because you used him for money. He yawned.

"Are you tired?"

"What?!" He couldn't hear you because the music was too loud.

You got out of your seat and took a step toward him since he was sitting in front of you. You leaned down near his ear, "Wanna go back home?"

"My house or your house?" He thought.

Fat Gum x Reader (Toyomitsu Taishiro)Where stories live. Discover now