Chapter 6: I freaking love you

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"How about we go to the rooftop and dance together?" He asked in consideration if you feel uncomfortable dancing in front of other people beside him.

"Ok." You agreed to his request after you saw the moon in the sky.

You pulled yourself away from him.

"Y/n-kun!" Your friend called out to you, "We need you to sing this song."

You grabbed his hand and led him to the back of the stage. The DJ gave you the lyrics sheet (Bazzi - IFLY) and the song started.

"Touching you how you hold me"

He remembered the time when you were under my shirt, feeling his chest and of course, you heard how loud and how fast his heart was beating. He tried to shake off your nervousness by doing silly dances in front of you and you started to dance along with him.

"I freaking love you ~" You sang.

He grabbed the mic, "I do, I do, I do ~" and the song ended.

The DJ came backstage and applauded our performance. We were laughing from all the fun that we had. As the girls grabbed a cab back home, you stayed with Taishiro as he ate all of the leftovers. The cafeteria ladies were praising him as if he's a teenage boy going through puberty.

"Fat Gum!" Present Mic called out to him.

While he was supporting you by holding your waist and your arm was on top of his neck, he held your shoes in another hand. He didn't turn around. You looked up at his face. He seemed a bit worried and annoyed at the same time. He mouthed the words, "Ignore him" at you.

You pushed yourself away from him and turned around to see the person that is calling his hero name.

"Ne, somebody is calling you. It's rude not to answer." You said.

"Hey there, Mic!" He turned around to greeted his co-worker.

"Is this young lady your reason for wanting to get out of work quickly and made me do the clean up?"

While struggling to say "hai," he turned around and only you get to see his blushed face.

"Sorry, my baby is a bit shy."

Present Mic was shook and sang in a rock and roll style, "Oh no, this is a new sight for me!"

"If you think you can use me to make him do something, you're mistaken." You sang it in a hip hop style as you smiled sarcastically with an intent of not wanting to be involved in solving crime action.

"Ah yes, I'll remember that. Good night." Present Mic was still shook at how fast you changed your aura.

"Good night to you too. Tai-tan, let's go." You bid your goodbye, wrapped your arms around his belly and lifted him up.

Good thing, he's in his Fit Gum form or else, you will be squished by his weight. Taishiro was trying not stiffen up as possible which makes it easier for you to carry him so that the other drunkards won't come to bother you. You put him down since you passed by the red light district already.

Somebody was waiting for you in front of your apartment building.

"Y/n-chan? Who is that half-naked man next to you?"

"Aunt, why are you here?"

"Oba-san was nagging me to come here to check on you but I don't think I need to anymore."

"Aunt, wait...don't tell grandma about this."

"Why? Our girl finally got herself a fine young man."

"Grandma will definitely come to creep up at my apartment to see this guy every full moon and I would have to move again."

"Fine. Bring him to our house then."

"No." You strongly disagree.

"Erm...sorry to disrupt you but I'm not her boyfriend nor anything like that yet and I am well aware that she's a minor -"

Your aunt cut him off, "Wait, is that what she told you? A minor? Bwahaha! She's in her 20s already."

"But she told me -" He made an are-you-serious face while looking at you dead in the eyes.

"I never said it was the truth." You defended yourself.

Your aunt didn't want to ruin the mood since she was at fault too that you never dated anyone before because the elders in your family kept on telling you to not think about love when you were growing up. But as soon as you reached your adulthood, they felt guilty for turning you asexual, or so they thought. Since you've never shown any interest in your omiai partners, they became more worried and you got so fed up that you use the federal aid to rent an apartment far away from the main house.

Your aunt approached Fat Gum, "I can tell that you like our y/n-chan very much but if you can still have the same feeling when you meet the entire family, I'll persuade everybody else in the family not to force you back home."

Fat Gum thought that this deal is not meant to be decided by him so he turned to you but your eyes' pupil shifted and beamed in neon blue, "Say yes." He was shook because you were registered as quickless.

He tried to play it cool and professional in front of your humble family members and said, "Well then, I will visit your home next full moon."

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