The truth about Mattia

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Y'all gonna melt 🥺🥺

Mattias pov:

"I love you more" I say but it was too late Nalia was already asleep in my arms, there was love marks all over he body and I smirked.

She was an angel even when she slept, her face so peaceful as she cuddled more into me.

I couldn't sleep. The reason I came here was, I don't even know the reason why I came here, I just wanted to see her after these past months.

I really did love her. The past months I've been drinking until 4am and sleep at 6 am. I would smoke uncountable amount of cigarettes to calm my nerves.

Because everyday my family had never left my mind.

When I came here nothing made me happier than Nalia. She was in my arms just like I'd always wanted her to be.

She made me smile just by looking at her sleep. I couldn't sleep, I felt the urge for a drink.

I played with her hair until I wanted to get up and look to see if she had any alcoholic beverage.

I didn't want to get up at the same time, I loved the feeling of her in my arms. So I stayed longer. Until I moved her to the other side of her bed and got up. Putting my boxers on.

"Mattia? Are you leaving me?" She says sitting up rubbing her eyes. Why would she think that?

"No baby, I just need to use the bathroom" I kiss her forehead and she nods going back to sleep.

she made my heart melt.

I lied I went to her kitchen and found a bottle of vodka. I already had my cigarettes with me.

I went to her back yard, she had a pool, it was a small double story house that suited her.

I started to drink, and I didn't stop, the burning sensation hitting my throat leaving me with the urge for more.

I drank the whole bottle in a hour.

I started to smoke and think everything over, killing people was fun, but falling for one wasn't. It hurt until she said she loves me.

But that was worse, because I am no good for her, she was an angel and I was the devil. And everyone knows that they never are supposed to be together.

Soon I felt something sting my eyes, tears. I fucking hate tears, I didn't bother wiping them away, I didn't notice them falling and started to seem as a river.

"Fuck" I say wiping my tears with arm as I continued to smoke.

I hate myself, more than I hate life..

Nalia POV:

I woke up, it was almost 4am. I rub my eyes and look around, mattia wasn't next to me.

I frowned, he really left me. Then I remember he said he need to use the bathroom. I went to the bathroom and washed my face, I wore my robe. It was fluffy and made me want to sleep forever.

I walked down stairs and see mattia sitting in my back yard, by the pool. What was he doing?.

I walk out side and he snaps his head back.

Mattia Polibio //Case 427Where stories live. Discover now