Chapter 1: Seeing Her

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Note: This event took place after the whole Eurus incident. I do not own some of the characters in this story. Characters like Sherlock and Mycroft are taken from BBC's Sherlock. Anyways with that said hope you enjoy the story :)

Mycroft's POV
I was at the office with nothing to do.

I went out of the office and decided to check up on Sherlock. I arrived at 221B, I straightened the knocker and was greeted by Mrs. Hudson.

"Oh Mycroft. You should've told me you were visiting." She said to me and I smiled at her. "Well I just wanted to see how Sherlock was doing and be on my way" I told her and she went back inside.

I went up the stairs and opened the door to Sherlock's flat to find him sitting on his chair.

"Sherlock" I greeted him "Hello there... Mycroft? What are you doing here?" He asked confused

I thought of an excuse to see him on the way here. Even though he thinks I hate him... I could never.

"I just wanted to know when you will visit Sherrinford" I said to him coolly. He was about to answer when his phone lot up and made a moaning sound.

I looked at him surprised. That text alert was Irene Adler but... how? "How?" I voiced out the question in my head.

He sighed and spoke "How what?" He asked "How is she alive?" I asked him. He was about to answer when someone from behind me spoke.

"Mycroft do you remember when you said that it would take Sherlock Holmes to fool you?" John said reminding me of our conversation at the cafe.

"Yes why?" I asked confused "Well you were fooled" he said to me plainly. I looked at him confused then the realization hit me. Sherlock was involved.

"How did you find out?" I asked John

"Well after the whole Culverton thing me and Sherlock spoke when his phone made a moaning sound" he explained to me

I sighed while massaging my temple. This was a lot to process. "Do you like her that much Sherlock?" I asked him. He hummed confused

"Do you like her that much that you would save her?" I asked him again.

He doesn't answer and just looks at the floor. I sighed "Sherlock" I called his attention

He still doesn't look up so I took this opportunity to snatch his phone and read his recent conversation with Irene Adler.

You know where to find me - SH

I'll find you when it's safe dear
- IA

"Answer me Sherlock" I told him referring to my question. "I don't know what it is I just... care for her" he said still looking down. I sighed. I was about to lecture him about caring when I remembered what day it is. It's her death anniversary. I sighed once again

"Alright then" I told him

"Alright?" He looks up at me confused. I gave him a small smile. "I will make some arrangement for her return" I told him which made him more confused. Sherlock never really saw how much I cared for him.

"How? Why?" He looks at me dumbfounded

"For your first question, I will make some arrangement and recruit her for MI5 because that's the most efficient way. For the second question, let's just say... I'm emptying all your favors"

He is still dumbfounded by my actions. Next thing I knew I was hugged by someone I least expected. Sherlock Holmes, my brother actually hugged me. I didn't know how to react so I just patted his back.

He pulled back and gave me a small smile and went to text Irene. She really does make him happy. He might be the making of him or not... But of course that's also what I thought with John Watson.

"She said to meet her at a ball tomorrow night at an abandoned school. Apparently it's being used as a Mafia Ball tomorrow night" Sherlock told me pulling me back to reality.

"Perfect. I was supposed to spy on a certain person there. That will be perfect. See you then brother dear" I told Sherlock bidding them goodbye

I went inside my car and told my driver to go to the graveyard. I went to visit her gravestone.

"I still miss you... I haven't taken off the ring and everything is going well. Sherlock hugged me for the first time so I thought you would be happy... Happy Death Anniversary" I told and immediately went back to my car.

I didn't want to look weak to anyone. I am only weak when it comes to her.

I went back to my house and searched the fridge for something to eat and found nothing. I sighed. I took a food delivery pamphlet. I dialed the number and ordered. I hung up and waited at the living room and watched the news. Suddenly my phone rung.

"Hello who is this?" I asked through the phone

"It's your sister sir... She has been asking for you and your brother repeatedly" the person on the other line told me

"Tell her she would see the both of us tomorrow. We are both busy at the moment" I ordered

"Alright sir" the call ended and my food arrived


Me, Sherlock and Doctor Watson went inside the abandoned school and saw hundreds of men and women scattered the whole area.

"So where did Miss Adler want to meet?" I asked Sherlock facing him. He scratched the back of his head "Well... about that... I asked that and she said to just find her" he chuckled nervously while I glared at him.

I sighed. This is gonna be a long night. "Let's split up. You and Doctor Watson scout the right side while I, the left side. Clear?" I asked and they both nodded.


I scouted the whole left side and found no one. I looked over the right side to see Sherlock and Doctor Watson walking up to Irene Adler. I sighed and walked over to them.

Once I got there, Sherlock and Doctor Watson had already explained my motives.

"I really am very thankful for it Mr. Holmes but I am quite wondering why since I almost dominated the world if it weren't for your little brother" she asked curiously.

"Well we needed a fresh start and I was feeling a bit generous today" I gave her a simple answer and she nodded. I was about to suggest that we get out of there when something catch my eyes.

Her back.

Her hair.

It's just like her.

It is her.

Hi so wondering how you like it! I might create an Adlock Fanfic (Adler-Sherlock) but still not sure but probably after this story is finished :) Also, the title refers to Irene Adler and her. Just a fun fact
Anyways toodles!


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