Chapter 10: Trip Back Memory Lane Part 2

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Sherrinford's POV
We sat down on our seats as the plane took off. I looked out to the window and I had a strange feeling like I was being watched or at least followed. I looked around but all I saw was everyone else in their own world.

Sometime later I didn't even notice that I have fallen asleep from exhaustion. It really is exhausting when you run away.

~Sherrinford's Dream~
It was 2002 and I was at Paris, France sitting at the cafe in front of the Eiffel Tower which I have to say has a perfect view of it. I am now 17 years old.  It was a lovely day, I was quietly sipping coffee while browsing through facebook on my laptop.

"Hello there old friend" I heard a familiar voice say behind me.

"It hasn't been that long Jim. It's only been 2 years since I was forced to go abroad and leave you guys" I greeted my friend.

"May I?" He asked gesturing to the empty seat in front of me. I nodded.

"So what brings you to Paris?" I asked him curiously.

"Wanted to look at the Eiffel Tower and see if I see my soulmate and I was right" He said teasingly. It was no secret that Jim had a crush on me which turned into love.

I smiled warmly at him. He courted me for the rest of the day which was just us trying to determine who can deduce people better which of course I won. The next day I actually said yes. Me, Jim and Elizabeth were inseparable. Until after college of course. Even though we aimed for different courses in college doesn't stop us from hanging out with each other.

Until of course I was forced to go to abroad to study medical. At this time, I already finished criminology and business.

We were seated at the cafe the next day chatting about different stuff, laughing, when suddenly we here a camera click. We turned to look at the man who pictured us.

"I am so sorry. It was just that you two looked good together. I couldn't help myself and took a picture. As an apology please take the picture for free" he said with a thick French accent though he was pretty good at English.

"It was no problem. We would love to have the photo. Thank you very much" I told the man smiling. He gave us the picture and went away. It was a lovely picture with me laughing as Jim smiled at me. We framed the picture and it was wonderful.

Months passed and Jim became a bit too possessive with me. At one point he didn't even let me out of the house. I confronted him and yes we fought but we got through it.

I was now 22 and Jim proposed to me in front of the Eiffel Tower. We were happy with each other until...

Jim suddenly became distant and barely went home. When I asked about it and he said that he was building an empire to protect us and sustain our future. I thought he was building a company or something. We traveled a lot.

I was now 23 and currently working as the best MI-6 agent in England. Our wedding was always moved because of Moriarty's empire. At this point he already told me that it was a criminal web but he is using it silently and safely and is still under construction. He assured me it isn't going to affect us.

I met my boss' boss in a mission. Mr. Mycroft Holmes. He was smarter than most people I have ever met. It was quite refreshing really. We became friends and hung out a couple of times.

It was now spring and in front of church while we were still waiting for Moriarty to arrive. I was getting worried. People were throwing pitiful glances at me. Probably thinking that the groom ran away. But I know Jim was better than that. If he wanted to break it up he was going to tell me.

An hour later, one of his men called saying that he was dead. I didn't hear anything other than that as if my mind muted everything.

I spent the rest of the day crying, locked in my bedroom. I knew his so called empire would do him harm but he never listened.

Months later, Mycroft courted me which was, I have to say very out of character for him. I have already moved on from Jim and was ready to live the rest of my life. He proposed to me at December of 2009. We were married at New Year's Eve of 2010.

Apparently Moriarty's men got wind of my relationship with Mycroft and found out that I was already friends with him before Jim died. They accused me of being a mole and ratting Jim to the British Government.

I faked my death in 2011 to protect Mycroft from my past. I know that Mycroft could've protected me but this was my fight. I can't let him get caught in the middle of this. Mycroft didn't even know about my relationship with Moriarty.

I was woken by Elizabeth shaking me asking if I wanted a drink. I nodded needing it after that dream. Going back to Paris was a bad idea but I had no choice. It was Jim who managed my flight.

We went to the bar and saw that only the 3 dudes were there and the girls were gone. Elizabeth ordered an appletini while mine was a whiskey.

"A bit too strong for a girl like you don't you think?" One of the guys walked over to us with a smirk. I rolled my eyes.

"Ooh she's a fighter boys" he said to his friends who was at the table behind him. His friends cheered. They were clearly drunk.

"I wonder how you'll do in bed" he whispered to me.

"What's your name" I asked standing up from my seat making Elizabeth smirk. She already knows what's going to happen.

"Califf but you can call me daddy" he said teasingly with a smirk while licking his lips. I leaned in to his ear and I can see from the corner of my eyes that Elizabeth had a grin.

"Listen here Califf. I will NEVER. EVER. SLEEP. WITH. YOU" I whispered into his ear. He was about to say something but was interrupted when I kicked his balls and pushed him to the ground where he groaned in pain. Pussy

"Got it?" I asked looking down at him

"Yep got the message" he said while groaning. The bartender gave us our drinks. I drank my whiskey and headed back to our seat not noticing that someone was watching me.

Moments later, the plane finally landed and we got off.

"Hello again Paris"

Once again, the dream took 90% of the chapter. Hope you enjoyed it!


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