Chapter 6: Half The Truth And The Rest Are Lies

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"I'm glad you still remember me. Sherrinford" he said smiling and I felt like crying but didn't. I kept staring at him blankly so he continued.

"I... heard what my organization was doing to you" he said looking guilty. Oh please.

"No really?" I told him sarcastically. He smiled while I glared at him. Elizabeth broke the silence

"THE JAMES MORIARTY?! YOUR MORIARTY?!" Elizabeth screamed. The last part was directed to me

"He was my Moriarty but of course not anymore since he faked his death" I said still glaring at him and he looked down.

"Come on Elizabeth let's go. We're done here" I told her while she nodded. We were about to leave when my phone started to ring. I stopped momentarily to pick it up but continued to walk leaving Moriarty.


"Sherrinford I'm at your house. Where are you? I have the paper works" It was Mycroft. I mentally cursed for forgetting him.

"Yeah Mycroft um... I'm still far away. Just leave it at my door step or leave it with my landlady, Mrs. Bernards" I told him and seconds later the line went dead. I shrugged and we went back to Musgrave Hall where we decided to spend the night.

I am now in a cab on my way back to my flat. When I entered, I picked up the paper works from my landlady and went to my flat where I was met with Sherlock, Doctor Watson, Irene Adler and Mycroft. I gave them a questioning look.

"We have news" it was miss Adler that spoke. I first went to my room to hide my bag and went back in the living room.

"Well do speak up Miss Adler" I told her eager to know

"Irene please." She told me and I nodded. Sherlock gestured me to sit down. I gave them a confused look but sat down anyways.

"We have news that James Moriarty is back" Mycroft spoke. I was internally shocked on how fast they got the news

"How did you get this information?" I questioned him acting like I'm not believing it.

"Word around the whole criminal world and from my previous clients" Irene explained and I nodded.

"And what does that have to do with me?" I asked them and they all looked at Mycroft. He sighed and gave me a photograph of me, Elizabeth and Moriarty.

Of course it was ages ago before I even met Mycroft. I first thought that it was from last night. I let out an 'Oh' before giving it back to Mycroft.

I sighed and I knew they were waiting for an explanation. So I decided to tell them half the truth.

"Me, Elizabeth and James were childhood friends. We went to the same school, in the same class up to Senior Highschool. We were practically inseparable" I told them the truth.

"Were?" John asked and I nodded. And here comes the lie

"We lost touch. We went to different colleges and wanted to pursue different things. Which brings us to years later, me meeting Mycroft and well... Mycroft already knows everything else in my whole bloody life since he's that much of a control freak" I told them. It was of course a lie but they'll have to settle for that version of the story.

"Not everything" Mycroft spoke and I gave him a confused look

"Your fake death. Why did you do it and where have you been?" He asked desperately. This was the million dollar question. So I lied to him once again.

"I got sick of you controlling me and wanted to live on my own and it went perfectly. For the second question, still here in London for most of my time but sometimes I travel but I never leave Europe" I told him. No matter how much it hurts for me to lie to him I just had to.

He nodded accepting the answer. At this point we heard a ping. It was from Mycroft. He looked at it and his eyebrows furrowed. He looked at me and I raised an eyebrow.

"Eurus wants to speak to you" Mycroft told me and I just nodded which confused him.

"If your sister wants to meet me then it's fine by me since nothing happened last time" I explained to him. He slowly nodded. After a while, they all left and I got to let go of the breath that I didn't know I was holding.

I got up and started to make lunch since I didn't want to go out. I heard a ping and went to my phone

"Want to have lunch?" - JM

"No. Already making one at home besides I don't want to have lunch with you" - SH

(SH is Sherrinford Holmes since she was married to Mycroft. I will not be using Sherlock when texting to avoid confusions)

"Perfect! Where's your flat?" - JM

I scoffed at his text. I ignored his text and went back to cooking.

I ate my lunch and still not a single word from James and I was thankful for it.

"Tell Eurus I'll be visiting tomorrow at the island what was it called again?" - SH

"...Sherrinford" - MH

I laughed so hard at his reply. I can't believe he actually named an island after me

"Pfft... Just tell Eurus I'll be visiting" - SH

I decided to spare him some embarrassment. For now.

"Alright. I'll have a car there to pick you up at 9" - MH

"Thank You" - SH

I placed my phone down and went to sleep since I am still tired from digging, having a difficult conversation and cooking.


Two chapters full of lies. OOOooooOoOoOoooOooOoHhHHh

I probably won't write a chapter full of trut-

Okay maybe I'll write a chapter explaining everything truthfully but that's for the future.


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