Chapter 8: Mycroft Is No Genius When Compared To Her

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We landed at one of Moriarty's warehouses. The door of the helicopter opened, I jumped out and was met with Klaus.

Klaus was one of Moriarty's men who was determined on taking revenge. Most of his men cowered away and avoided me at all cost. But Klaus still tried to chase after me. Now I know why he hasn't chased me for the past years, Moriarty was back reigning his empire.

I was about to charge at him when Moriarty practically hugged me just to get me to calm my ass down. I pushed Moriarty away and gestured to lead the way while glaring at Klaus.

We entered where I presume is his office. "How can you help me disappear Jim? What can you do?" I asked him wanting to get things over with.

"I can do anything for you Sherry" He told me teasingly resulting with him getting glared at. He chuckled at my reaction.

"You liked your nickname. Anyways I already have the files for your escape in here" he said as he handed me a folder.

"I liked. Past tense and I prefer to move on from the past" I retorted. He sighed "Can we really not go back to the way it wa-"

"You faked your death before our wedding and broke my heart and you expect everything to go the way it was? Going back means going backwards and it really isn't good for everyone. So no, we can't go back to the way it was" I told him as I see him grow impatient.

I was walking out when he suddenly slammed me unto the wall. I arched my back in pain and tried to push him away but he won't budge.

"Jim Moriarty move or else I will move you yourself" I warned him
"Oh yeah try me" he said with a smug smirk which annoyed and pissed me off even more so I kicked him in the nuts which I saw work and pushed him to the ground where he rolled around in pain.

I went to grab the handle of the door but before opening it, I looked back.

"Pleasure doing business with you Mr. Moriarty" I said with my cold business voice and left the warehouse where I saw my car where I expected it to be.

"Took you long enough. You already got it?" Said Elizabeth who was leaning on my car waiting for me.

"Yep" I said popping the 'p'. "Kicked him on the d*ck too" I said proudly with a smirk as we entered the car. "Nice!" Elizabeth exclaimed.

"Do I finally have a new identity?" Elizabeth asked excitedly while I was driving.

"No you don't. You damn well know you don't need one" I told her as she pouted. I never gave her a new identity since she isn't really connected with anyone I meet. She pretty much is an introvert but at the same time she's a ball of sunshine.

She doesn't talk to people very often nor does she often go outside but when you get close to her it's like she never runs out of energy. I started to focus on the road to the airport.

Mycroft's POV (Just as Sherrinford got on the helicopter going to Moriarty's warehouse)
I woke up quickly to see a lot of people surrounding me asking if I was alright. I shooed them away and went to grab my phone when everyone was out.

I walked over to my phone clumsily like a drunk person probably the effect of the drug. Drug? Then everything that happened came rushing back and pulled me to my senses


I grabbed my phone and called Sherlock.

"Sherlock I need you to find-"

"She's gone Mycroft" Sherlock spoke from the other line

"Sherrinford got off on a helicopter with was shockingly Moriarty. Moriarty is alive and helped her escape. I'm at the rooftop" Sherlock spoke from the other line as he ended the call.

I was left dumbfounded. She was actually gone. And with Moriarty.

I don't really know they're history other than they knew each other and somewhat that made me jealous.

I went up to the rooftop where I saw Sherlock and John Watson standing near the big H written on the floor.

"She flew away on a helicopter Mycroft. She was with Moriarty. They headed East" Doctor Watson explained once I got near them.

"What now?" Sherlock asked me.

"We wait" I said proudly smirking. Sherlock and John looked at each other confused.

"Wait for what?" Doctor Watson asked me still confused as I continue to smirk. And as if on cue, my phone dinged notifying me where Sherrinford is.

"I figured as much that she would try every means to escape me which also means she would get a deal from our dear Eurus. Now we know where she is, the question now is where is she going?" I explained to them while silently reading the text message.

"Where is she now brother?" Sherlock asked me intrigued with my solution. He wouldn't admit it but it was written all over his face.

"In a very remote area. But from the looks of it, I think she's headed to the airport so we better get going" I told them.

We hurriedly rushed down then out of the bloody building and went to the limousine which was prepared before hand.

Sherrinford is smart but she's not using all of her brain to execute this plan resulting in me finding different ways to catch up to her. I told the driver to max our speed to the airport.

We arrived in the airport just in time. But was it enough?

Sooooo I need ship names!
Mycorft + Sherrinford = ?
Jim Moriarty + Sherrinford = ?

Anyways hope you're liking the story. Comment if you've got suggestions or you simply want to express your reaction. Either way hope you have a lovely day


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