Chapter 3: Help!

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Sheryll's POV
As usual, Greg was lecturing me about shooting the suspect.

"Well what did you want me to do? He was about to attack me!" I said to Greg pissed.

"You could've done anything but shoot him! Bloody hell, now they'll ask me why he has a gun shot wound in the knee!" Greg practically yelled at me. I sighed.

"Just tell them it was self defense" I said shooing him away. The elevator door finally opened. I  fast walked to my desk hearing a frustrated Greg calling me. I ignored him and went to my desk to find a man standing beside it.

I looked at him curiously. He was a man about mid-30s wearing an old fashioned suit with an umbrella

"Oh hello umm... what do you need dear?" I asked him. He was confused. "You don't remember me?" He asked and I tried to remember who he was

"Oh! You were with that Sherlock. Greg's friend" I told him remembering him

"Oh yes umm..." he looked around

Mycroft's POV

"Oh yes umm..." I looked around. I need an excuse to not make this look weird

"I was umm... I was wondering if my brother was here" I told her.

"Oh um sorry I don't think he is. Try looking at his flat" she said smiling at me. It was cute.

Stop it Mycroft. It's not her.

"Ok thank you umm.. do you mind getting coffee with me?" I awkwardly asked her while scratching the back of my head

She smiled sweetly at me. So cute

"Sure! Why not?" She said to me happily.

"Alright then, I'll be going" I said to her bidding her goodbye and walked to the elevator. Well that went well.

Stop it Mycroft! You are only doing this to make sure if it is her!

What if I end up falling again?

If you keep the mission in mind then we won't have a problem


Yes we! I am your thoughts. I am with you on this

I sighed. If this was a book and someone was reading this, I would've looked like I was crazy.

I chuckled to myself. Yep I am crazy.

Crazy for her

Shut up! I thought you were against this!

Can you blame me? I am your thought but I am also a shippers thoughts also


Nothing hehehe

I sighed shaking my head. I realized that the elevator door still hasn't opened. I clicked on the 1st floor but the elevator still hasn't move.

I grew frustrated and pushed the button even more when suddenly the elevator started to go down.

But not the smooth down. It was threatening. It feels like the elevator is about to fall

I pushed the emergency button. A voice spoke to me. DI Lestrade.
"Hello? Who is this? What's wrong with the elevator?" He asked slightly panicked

"This is Mycroft Holmes. The elevator is unstable" I said hurriedly

"Hey Greg, there-"

"I NEED YOUR HELP NOW! I FEEL LIKE THE ELEVATOR IS ABOUT TO FALL!" I cut off someone in the background

"What floor are you now?" Said someone. I recognized it and it was Sheryll

"It says that I am on the 2nd floor going down to the first" I explained

"Ok hang tight we'll be there momentarily"

"Pun intended?" I asked trying to calm myself. She chuckled

"Maybe. As much as possible don't move much. And stay calm"
She said and after that I heard sprinting footsteps.

"Alright Sheryll will be handling the situation and do you mind if I call Sherlock?" He asked me

"Don't. All he will do is whine about calling him. He won't be able to help" I said to him

"Good call. Unfortunately I won't be there because of the case and papers about Sheryll's resignation" he told me and hung up.

She's resigning?

I heard footsteps nearing the elevator door. A lot of footsteps.

"Mr. Holmes are you alright?" I heard Sheryll say.

"Yeah umm... just get me out" I told her trying to calm myself

"Sherrinford I thought you were resigning?" I heard a whisper I could barely hear but I heard it enough


"I was, when this happened" I heard a reply. It was Sheryll.

"Let's just get him out of here then go" she told the other one.

Then suddenly I see the door slowly opening revealing Sheryll and a woman. I recognize her but I have no idea where.

"Come on Mr. Holmes" Sheryll or should I say Sherrinford told me, extending her arm. I took it and climbed out of the elevator.

"Well Mr. Holmes do you have any injuries?" She asked me looking over my body

"Ah yes something hurts" I told her wincing

"What?" She asked worriedly

"My heart" I said to her and she froze. I took this opportunity to speak again.

"Sherrinford" I greeted her

"Nice to see you again" I continued. "I wish I could say the same Myc" and we stood there staring at each others eyes.


I assumed that after hearing Sherrinford's name for the first time, it was obvious who she was so I just made a shortcut to them meeting.

Anyways see you in the next chapter toodles!


Can't Handle A Broken Heart - Mycroft Fanfic {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now