Chapter 13: Vices & Virtues

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Mycroft's POV
"I plead the fifth" she said smirking

I groaned frustrated at her as I see her chuckling at me. I slammed my fist startling her.

"Do you think this is funny?" I growled at her. I was growing impatient and frustrated as every second passes by.

"Obviously. Why do you think I chuckled?" She asked blankly. I glared at her.

"What's a hero to a villain
Other than its perfect half?
You can deny the tension
But baby, it's rising and I won't back downIs that flush because of battle
Or am I just in your head?
You seem distracted
Are we still fighting or am I in your bed instead?" She smirked as she leaned back on her chair. She then stood up, placing her hand on the desk between us, her face getting equal to mine.

"What do you see when you look at me?
Am I the love of your life or your enemy?" She inched closer and closer, having a grip on my tie.

"Keep your friends close, but hold me closer to you" She brought my tie closer to her before pushing me back as she sat back down and leaned back on her chair, cross legged.

"And if I'm the villain
Then you better start running
'Cause you won't last long if you're up against me
Don't stop to think about what it would feel like
With your lips on mine
I see you checkin' on my moves
Better stop 'cause you're 'bout to lose
One quick hit and I leave you breathless
Never thought you could look so helplessWoah"

"Why deny your admiration?
Is it lust? Infatuation?
You are so easy to predict
My love's a drug and you're an addictI can hear your pounding heartbeat
You were mine right from the start
See, every hero needs a villain
But I don't need you" There was a faint click that I didn't manage to register. She then stood up and inched her face close to mine in a threatening manner.
"You think you're so much better
When you're really not all that
You keep on trying to convince yourself
It's a game of mouse and catWhen in reality you've fallen
And it's very clear to see
You like to lock away your feelings
But I hold the key, woah" 
"And if I'm the villain
They better start running
'Cause you won't last long if you're up against me
Don't stop to think about what it would feel like
With your lips on mine
I see you checkin' on my moves
Better stop 'cause you're 'bout to lose
One quick hit and I leave you breathless
Never thought you could look so helplessWoah" She stood up and leaned forward at me, equaling our height. Our nose touched but only slightly.

Sherrinford's POV
"Anyways Mycroft, once again, don't follow me" I told him. He looked at me confused on what I just told him. I cuffed his hands to the table. I uncuffed mine while I was distracting him. He tried to get out but of course failed miserably.

"You know you won't be getting out of here. There are MI-6 agents all over the place" he said smirking. I scoffed.

"It's not like you don't even know me Mycroft. I was the best MI6 agent you had and I trained even harder after I resigned. So I think I can manage" I told him making his smirk falter. It was my turn to smirk at him.

I went to the door and opened it being greeted by a blonde man about my height as he swung to punch me. I quickly ducked and punched his groin. While he was ducking to hold his groin in pain. { ;) } I uppercutted him as he fell unconscious.

I straightened the suit that I was wearing and went to the corridor.

(This part is where Sherrinford fought every security guard and MI6 agent that got in the way of her leaving. I don't know how to write fight scenes so I'm going to leave that to your imagination. Let's skip to her leaving)

I opened the door to outside. It was very tiring so I took a breather then hailed a taxi.

"Musgrave please" I said and the driver obliged.

I unlocked the door to see Elizabeth watching the telly. She looks at me at shock.

"Are you okay? Did they do anything to you? They told me to wait for you but you didn't come back" she said. I nodded at her tiredly.

"How about you save all your questions for tomorrow. I beat up a bunch of weak people that call themselves MI6" I scoffed.

I stretched my back. Feeling pain, I groaned. Elizabeth sighed and ushered me to the kitchen where there was a med kit. I removed my suit to reveal several cuts and bruises.

Elizabeth sighed. She started to tend to my bruises. She wrapped my whole stomach and back to prevent further bleeding.

I went to my bedroom and plopped to bed. I groaned forgetting the injury on my back. Minutes later, I finally fell asleep.

Mycroft's POV (At this time, Sherrinford is already in the cab to Musgrave)
Sherlock and John came rushing inside the interrogation room. They looked at me confused until I gestured to my cuffed hands.

They uncuffed me. I walked out the room to see a bunch of agents passed out on the floor. Oh dear. I see multiple bruising on their faces. We climbed up to the first floor, avoiding all of the passed out agents.

It was the next day and I arranged a meeting with all of the MI6 agents who were unsuccessful in keeping her in the building. Now I don't even know where she is and I was furious the moment they entered. I sat down and started the meeting.

"Why isn't she in the interrogation room cuffed?!" I screamed at them. One of them spoke. Carlo. I think was his name.

"Sir she was too strong. She beat us-" he started to explain but I cut him off.

"Obviously! She was an MI6 agent! But so are all of you! What kind of agents are you?!" I asked, my voice booming through the whole room. There was a knock after I finished my sentence and there, Anthea came in.

"Sir, someone wants to meet you" she said. "I'm busy" I told her.

"I don't think you are" a voice I am unfamiliar said. I looked at the door to see one of Sherrinford's childhood friends. Elizabeth I think is what Sherrinford told me her name was. She was the one who was also at the elevator incident. I nodded at her.

"You're all dismissed. Now get out of my sight" I hissed at all of them as they all quickly got up and got out. I gestured a seat to Elizabeth as I signaled Anthea that she could go. Anthea left as Elizabeth took a seat.

"And what do I owe the pleasure?" I asked her. "Well you're looking for her right?" She asked as I nodded.

"Well don't. Leave us be. I am going to tell you why Sherrinford left the first place. In exchange, you will leave us alone. It's for everyone's safety. Honestly, Sherrinford didn't even want me to tell you this because she thought it would be best" she said.

"And why would you be telling this? I have a feeling it isn't just because you want me to leave you alone" I said quite interested.

"Who was it that said, 'The truth will set you free' so I was hoping that is what's going to happen" she explained as I only responded with a nod.

"Well get to it then" I told her. She was going to speak when someone suddenly bursted through the door to reveal Sherrinford. She was glaring at Elizabeth who was only smirking at her. I looked at the both of them confused. What the hell is happening?

"One word out of your bloody mouth Elizabeth. One word. And you're done for" she threatened Elizabeth. Elizabeth only gestured to zippering her mouth.
Well someone's furious.

Hope you enjoyed the fanfic so far. If you have any confusions with the story, just comment it and I will be able to explain it.

BTW the song is Vices & Virtues by Reinaeiry. In other words, I'm just straight on addicted to it. The song is at the very top. Be addicted with me ;)


Can't Handle A Broken Heart - Mycroft Fanfic {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now