Chapter 3- Karen

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"Goddammit Emily, we all can't take five hour showers! Guess who pays the water bill?!" Lily shouted at the top of her lungs.

"The school?" Emily said, purposefully acting dumb.

"Does it matter?"

As you can tell, Emily got an early start to be able to hog the shower. There were three other ones in the large restroom, but they were all taken.

"I'm gonna be late for first period, and so are you if you don't get out now."

You could hear their little quarrel from outside the bathroom, where everyone else was waiting for them to finish up so they could get to class.

"I'm already done; I'm waiting for you to back off."

Lily groaned and exited the bathroom. A moment later Emily came out the door with a soaking water trail behind her.


As we made our way to our world history class (the first class the boys would be attending all day because of some horrible hangover they'd tell us about later), a blonde girl approached us. Actually, a blonde girl (not Emily) approached Jhaysen.

"Hi Jhaysen," she said very smoothly.

"Um, hey Britney," he said very awkwardly, "Guys, this is Britney. I met her yesterday in the lunch line. Britney, these are my friends."

"Hi," she says.

"Hello," says Carlos.

"Hi," says Emily.

"Yo," says Arash.

"Sup," says Denny.

The rest of us just mumble hello.

"So, Jhaysen, I wanted to ask you something in private," Britney says, looking hella flirtatious. I don't think I like her much. Who hits on a dude they met a day ago in the lunch line? Who hits on Jhaysen? No offense to Emily, of course.

"Anything you say to him you can say to us," Emily informs her. "We're gonna find out either way."

"Okay," says Britney. "I was wondering if," she paused to tie her shoe, with her ass in the air. "You wanted," she puts one hand on Jhaysens chest and one remained twirling her faux blonde hair."to maybe do something."

I resisted the urge to burst out laughing.

"Sorry honey, he's taken." Lily gestures to Emily and Jhaysen's, cueing Emily to 'mark her territory'. Wait, what if she does the dog territory thing and pees on him? Oh god, ew ew ew ew.

"Besides, didn't you have a boyfriend?" asks Franchesca who had managed to find a lot of gossip in the span of a day.

"No, and it's a shame, really." Britney responds, and it really pisses me off that I don't know whether she's talking about how Jhaysen is taken or how she isn't taken. "Maybe we can all go shopping for better clothes sometime!" She looks at our t-shirts and jeans as if they made her depressed. I have no idea what she was thinking when she looked in the mirror this morning, but her belt she called a shirt wasn't very Vogue worthy either. Just saying, I would prefer band merch over something a stripper would say was too risky.

"Sorry, we're booked," I say, "For eternity."

I'm about to drag us all away from this rude person, but then some guy joins us, blocking my way. I start to excuse myself, but he cuts me off.

"What do you think you're doing with my girlfriend?" he asks Jhaysen.

"N-nothing," Jhaysen stutters a reply.

"Doesn't look like nothing," says the boyfriend, throwing a punch before Jhaysen can react.

Well that was something.

"Dirk!" screeches Britney, running to Jhaysen's aid. I roll my eyes so hard they almost fall out of their sockets.

"Hey! That wasn't nice!" says Carlos, stepping in "Dirk's" way.

"You want some too?" Dirk throws another punch but Carlos dodges it. Then Lily jumps on Dirk's back, knocking him down with the element of suprise. Although it didn't help that they landed on Carlos. Then Rashel, Denny, Trevor, Sophia, and Jonny assisted in beating Dirk to a pulp. Franchesca, Fadia, Emily, and Garrick were trying to help Jhaysen and deal with Britney simultaneously.

Don't think I was no help during all this chaos. No, I was a big help in yelling "CHILL GUYS!" all over the place. I tried to help in beating up Dirk, but my punches and kicks all landed on my own people. I tried to help with Jhaysen, but apparently I was getting the wrong ice. I tried to help with Britney, but she was way too freaking irritating and makes me want to murder someone.

"ENOUGH!" yelled a booming voice before I could find my place. Now I noticed the crowd that had gathered in the middle of the hall scrambling to get away as Principal Martinez appeared at the scene. "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?"

"CHILL!" I screamed before I realized who I was screaming at. If looks could kill, I'd be 5288628727829 feet under right now. "Sorry," I squeaked, looking down.

"These people attacked me!" Dirk defendee himself.

"Actually, he threw the first punch in my eye for no reason." said Jhaysen, pointing out his black eye.

"You know what? I don't actually even care what happened. You all have detention after school for a month." And with that our principal strutted away.

"Damn, but I have football practice." Dirk whined.

"And I had a spa appointment!" Britney pouted. It's a shame she missed that really, she could've used it.

"And I get one less hour of scrolling the internet," I glared at them, officially bitter. "Deal with it." Then was when we were finally able to get to our World History class.


"Alright class, today you'll be imitating the court in Ancient Rome. Have fun," said my favorite teacher, Ms. McDonalds. Not only did she have a cool name, she let us do whatever we wanted in class. "I don't get paid enough to care what you do," she always claims. I'm not complaining.

"YES! I'VE BEEN WAITING MY WHOLE LIFE FOR THIS MOMENT!" Emily shouted, since anything Ancient Greek/ Ancient Rome related she loves.

"YAS GIRL!" Sophia says very enthusiastically.

"I call judge! Where are the togas?" Carlos looks around the room as if he expects a toga to magically appear.

"What do you mean, 'where are the togas?'" I ask, "You're not seriously going to wear one, right?"

"Actually Karen, I think he's quite serious," says Lily with an amused look on her face that really scares me.

"Oh my god," mutters Rashel, who at this point is used to this kind of bullshit from us.

"Oh lord, just do us all a favor and keep your pants on." Garrick says. It's upsetting that this needs to be said.

"Maybe I will, maybe I won't," says Carlos, giving us a perverted wink before cracking up.

We all gave an annoyed groan at that point.

"Please don't, no one wants this." pleads Lily.

"Hey, I'm up for whatever the man wants." Fadia announces, being a genuine person.

"You can't be serious," Franchesca says, looking at Carlos in horror. "Where would there even be a toga here? Why would there even be a toga here?"

At that moment, Trevor comes out of the closet (ha-ha, get it?) waving around a white piece of fabric. "Found it!"

"You can't be serious," says Emily, looking even more horrified than Franchesca.

"I am so serious," he says, running into the closet to change or something.

This will be interesting.

[song accurately describes all of our loves for the internet]

A/N: Hello people of the world wide web!! I am a new author in this story- KAREN! Lily and Emily began this chapter, and me and Emily will finish it up. Hope you enjoy it!

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