~Let's Hang Out...?~

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*completely made-up lol. If people enjoy it and are ok with the idea of lemon, then I might add an extra chapter about it. Enjoy!*

          King woke up from his hammock, having slept rather peacefully, which is no surprise for the Sin of Sloth. He stretched out, yawning, and looked out at the window that was located to his right, the sun shining in his eyes. He rubbed his eyes and looked to his left, eyeing a peaceful Diane, still asleep. "The day before her birthday.." He thought to himself. King's hammock was placed in between the window and Diane's bed in one of the rooms of The Boar Hat. The only downside was that they shared it with Ban, which can be a problem sometimes. Slowly, with his chastiefol pillow tucked under his arm, he floated over the sleeping Diane without disturbing her and left the room.

          Floating down the stairs, a familiar aroma arouse from the bar downstairs. Ban's cooking, no doubt. Peeking around the corner, all of the sins were gathered eating breakfast. Gowther, Merlin and Escanor eating their breakfasts peacefully alongside Princess Elizabeth. Ban and Meliodas were goofing off behind the bar counter, while Hawk was devouring a bowl of Ban's scraps. Meliodas turned, "Mornin' King!" he said with his signature grin. "Morning, Captain," he responded giving a smile back. "S-so did all of you plan anything for Diane's birthday..?" The Grizzly Sin asked nervously. Meliodas gave him a blank stare as Ban started to chuckle. "Are you finally going to tell her that you looove herrr? ♫" "S-shut up Ban!" King yelled, his face blushing red. "Well, we were planning on throwing a surprise party for her later in the afternoon tomorrow. We just need to distract her for a bit, that's all." Meliodas shrugged. King nodded, and told the Dragon Sin what his plans were. Take her out for a walk in the kingdom, invite her to lunch, buy here something that she'd like and want and take her somewhere special. "If that's ok with you Captain." King chuckled nervously. Meliodas gave him a small giggle"Of course! And I wish you the best of luck."

"Thanks Captain."

~The Next Morning~

          King woke up, coincidentally at the same time as Diane. "Good morning King!" She sat up greeting him with an adorable, cheery smile. King blushed, and while scratching the back of his head, he told her good morning as well. As she rummaged through her closet to pick an outfit, King decided to ask her out. "H-hey Diane, the Captain told me to get groceries and supplies this morning yesterday.. So I was kinda wondering if you wanted to come with me..?" This was obviously a lie, though he wanted to set his plan into motion. He started to sweat a little, anticipating her response. She poked out of her closet, looked at King, and gave a small smile with a light blush. "Yea of course, King! Sounds like fun!" She giggled, trying to hide her blush with her ponytail. For a second, King had gotten lost in Diane's beautiful purple eyes and felt his heart flutter. "A-alright then! I'll wait for you outside!" He exclaimed happily before he left the room.

          Diane continued to look through her closet after the fairy left, and decided to just go with her pink dress with white cotton balls going down the middle, wearing her cute boots to match. "Does King like this outfit..?" She whispered to herself, looking at her mirror. "Did he ask me out..? Or is he planning something..?" Diane asked herself. She didn't know if it was a friendly gesture or if he was trying to plan something, but either way, Diane was going to be with King, so she didn't think much of it. After all, she had fallen in love with the Fairy King.

          After saying farewell to their comrades, the Sin of Sloth and Envy made their way to the kingdom. "So, King, what are we shopping for?" She asked curiously. King, floating on his chastiefol pillow, shrugged. "Vegetables, fruits, ingredients, that sort of thing." The small trip to the kingdom took about 10 to 15 minutes so it wasn't that bad. Upon arrival at the kingdom, they set foot to the shopping area, where they tried finding the best food's to buy at a cheap price. They walked around for a couple of hours, shopping for the groceries and just walking around, talking and laughing. King walked alongside Diane through the crowded and busy streets, admiring how good the day was going and the fact that Diane was happy and smiling. As she looked around the town, King looked at her and could feel himself fall for her more and more. "God, she's perfect." After a couple more minutes of walking, Diane had started to get hungry and complained about it. "Don't worry Diane, I'll invite you something to eat. My treat." King laughed as Diane jumped up in excitement. They walked around trying to decide on what to eat and settled on some steaks, with a side of mashed potatoes and a salad. Diane enjoyed the meal alongside King and the couple found themselves staring at each other while eating, with a huge smile on each of their faces.

          Once after leaving the restaurant, someone approached them, or more specifically, Diane. It was Howzer and King wasn't necessarily happy about it. "H-hey Diane, I heard it was your birthday sooo I decided to get you these roses.. I hope you like them. " The Holy Knight chuckled nervously. Diane smiled, nodded and took the roses out of his hands. "Thanks Howzer!" She smiled as she held the roses in her hand. King witnessed the interaction, pouting, and even though he knew the day was going great between them, he still got jealous. But the jealousy quickly went away after he had left. "These flowers are pretty, don't you think?" She asked, looking at him with a cute smile. They were both walking down the paved street as the fairy walked beside her, the groceries resting on the chastiefol pillow. "Yea.." King nodded. He made eye contact with her and added, "..just like you." Her blush deepened, and her smile grew wider at his compliment. In an effort to hide her embarrassment and how flattered she was, she attempted to hide her lips and cheeks behind her ponytail as she played with it. "T-thanks K-King." She giggled shyly. King was blushing, but not to Diane's extent. He didn't say anything in response, and they walked in silence for a bit.

          After having a conversation about what Meliodas' power level must be at his max, Diane rushed ahead of the Fairy King to a store with a glass pane. "Wow..this dress is soo cuteee!" She exclaimed with stars in her already beautiful eyes. King caught up to the giant and stood next to her and asked, "Hey Diane, do you want me to buy you one..?" She looked at him and shook her head no. "That's sweet King, but I don't want you to spend anymore money than you should." King looked at the red dress, it was a short dress that had short sleeves with roses attached to the top and botom of the sleeves and the bottom dress. The shoulders were revealed and had roses going over the top part of the sleeve, going across to the other sleeve by passing by where the cleavage would be. "C'mon King," She said, nudging her head away from the store. King looked at her, grabbed her hand, which made her blush, and pulled her into the store. "K-king seriously it's ok! You don't have to buy me anything!" She told him, even though she knew the Grizzly Sin already set his mind to it. "Try whatever dress you want and I'll pay for it. It's your birthday after all!" He told her with a huge smile. Diane looked around but ended up deciding to go with the rose dress. She tried it on and asked King about his opinion. King, awestruck at the beauty that was present before him, said, "You look like a goddess..." Diane blushed, thanked him for the compliment, and changed back.

          King had paid for Diane's dress and she wouldn't stop thanking him. "Thanks King, you're the best!" She embraced him in a hug where she rested her chin on his shoulder. And King, caught off guard by the sudden hug, tried to figure out where to put his hands and arms. In the end, he wrapped them around Diane's waist. The fairy could feel his face warming up as the hug went on. "This day has been amazing King.." She whispered. King's heart began to race and his butterflies intensified as he heard those words. "You've made this the best birthday ever..and I don't know what I did to have you.." She moved her head back so that her eyes and his eyes met. She felt herself getting lost in his amber eyes and felt a blush creep onto her face once again. Looking at King, her eyes teared up, and her arms continued to hang around his neck while his remained on his waist. "Are you okay, Diane..?" He asked, gently wiping away her tears and comforting her with a gentle smile. The Serpent Sin giggled, "That tickles...but yea I'm okay King, don't worry." Both of them once again stared into each others eyes, and felt like they were in their own little universe. Neither wanted the hug to end, but they both quickly let go of each other once they came to their senses on what was happening. "I'm g-glad you feel that way Diane.." King said softly. "But if this next part goes well, then maybe it'll be perfect."

"What do you mean, King...?" Diane asked curiously, tilting her head.

"Just come with me." King smiled. "May I..?" He asked sheepishly, extending his arms.

           Diane already knew what he meant by that and she agreed to it. King scooped her up, one arm holding her under her knees and the other supporting her back as she wrapped her arms his neck and rested her head against his chest. It was like a dream come true for Diane, to be cradled in his arms once more. She closed her eyes, and listened to his heartbeat as he flew to wherever it was he wanted to take her. "I love him so much.." King, still having Diane in a bridal carry, flew at a fast enough pace to cover ground quickly. It was starting to get dark and the sun was starting to set. Of course, he didn't want Meliodas' plan to go to waste either. So he planned on bringing her back on time.

"Hey Diane, close you're eyes. It's a surpriseee~"

King X Diane: The Serpent Sin's Birthday [PARTLY LEMON]Where stories live. Discover now