~Getting The Test~

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"You've made me so happy Diane.."

King's words were repeated within Diane's head and she couldn't stop thinking about it. It seemed like he genuinely had been wanting to start a family with her after all..

Diane, of course, was also in tears with King's reaction. She was more or less scared in the beginning, thinking he wouldn't be accepting or wouldn't want to go through with the idea of having a baby. Yet, seeing him the way he is acting right now...happy tears streaming down his cheek as he gently pecked her cheek lovingly..she felt herself falling deeper in love with him.

"I'm glad I made you happy..." Diane whispered back, giving a small giggle. "I can't believe it myself to be honest.." In response, through the tears, King had let out a giddy giggle.

King couldn't describe how enthusiastic he felt over this piece of news. An overwhelming feeling had washed over him, drowning him in pure bliss and happiness. He could already picture it: a mini them running around and in their arms. Just that image alone made King smile even wider. "Hopefully it is a baby.." King had thought to himself as he continued to hold his giantess happily.

King had slowly laid down Diane onto her back and began giving soft and light kisses on her neck.

"King! That tickles!" She laughed as she desperately tried to push him off of her. Of course, the Fairy King wouldn't stop doing what he was doing. Diane's laughter filled the room as King continued to tickle her, their tears fading away now.

After the pair were trying to catch their breath after their little moment of fun, Diane asked, "King..? Shouldn't we check to make sure whether or not...You know?"

King stared into her violet eyes for a moment, trying to figure out what exactly she was speaking of. It hit him not long after she had asked, and gave a small, quick determined nod.

He had begun to get up and leave from the bed before Diane had tugged on his sleeve. "You're just going to leave without giving me an actual kiss?" Diane pouted playfully. King chuckled before leaning in to kiss her briefly.

The fairy opened the door, closed it behind himself, and made his way down to the restaurant/bar part of the tavern only to be greeted with...nothing. It was empty.

"Where could they have gone? They were just here a couple minutes ago.." The Grizzly Sin muttered as he tucked his Chastiefol pillow under his arm. He had taken a look around the empty bar to double check, but it was confirmed. Ban, Meliodas, Elizabeth, and Jericho were no longer inside. "...Then, where are they?"


The tables and chairs shook violently for a second, including all the mugs, bottles of alcohol/ale and the wanted posters still hanging on the wall. King was still confused as to why the Captain had those still hanging up to this day, but it didn't matter.

The Fairy King had looked around frantically, trying to find the source of the sound. Realizing that it came from outside, he hovered over there immediately.

Bursting out from the tavern door, the fairy was greeted with Jericho and Elizabeth's back towards him. "Hey, what's going on out here you two?"

"Take a look for yourself." Jericho pointed in front of her.

King immediately face palmed the moment he witnessed what was going on.

Meliodas and Ban were going at it again, brawling in a one versus one duel.

"Sir Meliodas! Please be careful!" Elizabeth exclaimed, but to no one's surprise, the Captain wasn't able to hear her.

"It's just a friendly match." Meliodas chuckled lightly as he uppercutted Ban, him spewing out a bit of blood. The force of the punch had sent the Sin of Greed flying through the air, but still landed on his feet. Ban laughed in his crazed, masochist way, wiping away the blood from his mouth. "Sure is~" He laughed once again. "Well, shall we continue then?" Meliodas grinned, gesturing with his hand for Ban to come at him. The Fox Sin accepted the taunt without a moment of hesitation. He charged forward, his hands still in the pockets of his signature red pants. In the blink of an eye, they began throwing punches so strong and fast, it was difficult to keep up with what was going on in the fight.

King X Diane: The Serpent Sin's Birthday [PARTLY LEMON]Where stories live. Discover now