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The Grizzly Sin anxiously waited for Diane as she took the pregnancy test. He was so nervous to see or hear what it was. "Hopefully it's positive..." King had secretly hoped in his head. Even if it wasn't a surprise, it was already revealed that he'd been wanting to start a family with his beloved giantess.

He stared down at his hands, which were trembling form how nervous he really was.

"Calm down King." He took a deep breath. "Everything will be just fine. I'm sure Diane will come out at any moment and tell you what the results are."

The image of them together with their own family excited him. The fairy king simply could not wait until that day. Images flashed of her cheery smile, Diane holding onto him as they happily got married. Waking up to their child in their arms, spending everyday of their lives together for forever. All of these thoughts with similar variations of it ran through King's mind, each one making him more giddy than the last.

His heartbeat accelerated and picked up the pace as each second passed. Granted for him, it felt like a second was equivalent to five minutes. In other words, it felt like an eternity.

King looked around the room anxiously, holding his knees with his hands. He slowly floated over to bedside counter that was in the room and stared at what was resting on top of it. Harlequin's helmet, given to him originally by Helbram stood there. The Sin of Sloth stopped for a moment, remembering that his friend's spirit resided within that mask.

He extended his arms out and picked it up. King stared into it's metallic holes and scrapes covering the metal helmet before putting it on. It covered his eyes, but he was still able to see the outside world.

"Well, well...If it isn't Harlequin!" King heard a familiar voice. "Long time no see!...Or talk!"

King frantically looked around, trying to spot his fairy friend's spirit so that they can talk eye to eye. He turned around, and there Helbram stood, his happy grin remaining on his face.

"H-Hey Helbram," King said nervously, yet happy at the same time.

"I hope you haven't forgotten about me heh," Helbram chuckled. "That would really suck."

"O-Of course not! How could I?"

"I'm messing with you Harlequin! No need to get so worked up haha! I'm glad you have sometime to talk to me, what's up?"

King's eyes widened when Helbram had asked him that, he wanted to jump from excitement. "T-There is a lot to tell you actually," King scratched the back of his head nervously. "D-Diane and I are finally together after such a long time..."

"Whoa! You and giant cutie finally tied the knot huh?" Helbram teased. The Sin of Sloth cleared his throat, he was still standing in the middle of the room. Anyone else who walked in on him would just see a seemingly crazy fairy talking to himself. "Her name is Diane. But yes, we finally got together. However, there's other news too.."

Helbram crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at him, giving a puzzled look.

"D-Diane might be pregnant..."

"Wait- What?! Are you serious?!" Helbram asked in disbelief.

"I'm not kidding! I'm just waiting on the results! She's taking the test right now.." King blushed lightly.

"A giant and a fairy having an offspring is very unheard of...I'm sure there's a possibility it won't happen," Helbram pondered while also explaining to King. "...But we live in such a crazy world, I'm sure it's possible. I'm literally talking to you as a spirit through a helmet!"

"Y-Yeah you're right..." King said softly, looking down and clenching his fist tightly. "There's a possibility it won't occur, but I still have hope that we can start a family of our own.."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2021 ⏰

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King X Diane: The Serpent Sin's Birthday [PARTLY LEMON]Where stories live. Discover now