~Breaking The News~

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Ban exclaimed as Meliodas practically set the food in the pan on fire. King let out an amused laugh before processing what was going on and panicked. "What are you doing!?" Ban yelled over at King who was now frantically floating around to find the fire extinguisher.

Ban stared at the fire in the pan with Meliodas, who had an expressionless look on his face. "Huh. The pan caught on fire." The Captain stated innocently. He was surprisingly calm during all of this, considering the fact that he's literally right in front of a burning pan.

"H-Here! I have the-!" The panicked fairy quickly calmed himself down after both Ban and King stared at the Captain. Meliodas gently patted the fire down with his bare hand after rolling up his sleeve. "Guys. These fires cannot even compare to the purgatory flames. It's not that big of a deal." Meliodas shrugged casually. "I'll put the fire extinguisher back.." King murmured as he slowly floated back out of the tavern kitchen. "R-Right." Was all Ban said after clearing his throat.

"So, what's the next step?" Meliodas asked Ban with a light chuckle. The Sin of Greed let out a small, bothered sigh before letting out a huge laugh. "Ha! This food is burnt to the crisp and you still expect to make something out of it?"

The Grizzly Sin couldn't help but faintly smile at the two of them getting along, though it reminded him of his love, Diane.

"I wonder how she's doing..." King pondered to himself silently, still laying down on his magical pillow.


"I feel...awful..." Diane mumbled as she continued to lean over the toilet bowl. "Aw, don't worry Diane. I'm sure you'll feel better soon.." Elizabeth had been trying to comfort her best friend as she continued to throw up due to her sickness, though she still couldn't help but feel bad for the Serpent Sin.

"Could it be..that you're pregnant Diane..?" Elizabeth asked nervously once again, hoping Diane would be able to add some input. She lifted her head back up and away from the toilet bowl, and fixed her posture. "I...I don't know..." Diane rested on her knees for a bit.

"Is..that even possible?" Diane asked the goddess, to which she responded with a light shrug.

"I wouldn't know for sure Diane, but it could still be possible. Are you feeling any better?" Elizabeth asked her friend worryingly. Diane nodded tiredly, the awful taste lingered in her mouth, wanting to make her throw up once again.

"Is it possible that I could be pregnant with King's baby..?"

The thought repeated inside her head, causing her to blush and have mixed emotions. Happiness, excited, worried, and so on. Diane wasn't exactly sure, since she had never heard anything like it. Another member from a race having a child with one of another completely different race..?

"...It could be possible Diane.." Elizabeth started again while helping the Sin of Envy back up on her feet. "It's a crazy world we live in..I mean, we're a giant and a goddess who are best friends, who are also friends with a legendary demon, an immortal human, a fairy king, a powerful mage, a magical doll and a human being that could be stronger than any of them. You don't hear that everyday," Elizabeth giggled as a faint smile began to appear on Diane's lips.

The Liones princess had helped Diane walk out of the public bathrooms and onto the main path where all the citizens were walking. It was still rather packed, a few knights walking by and lots of horses and wagons strolling on the path, pebbles scattering around as the wheels turned.

"C'mon Diane, let's head back to the tavern." Elizabeth smiled encouragingly towards her.

Slowly but surely, they made their way out of Liones. However, it took a lot longer than expected due to the fact that Diane had been feeling dizzy and obviously sick. Elizabeth had placed Diane's arm around her shoulders, supporting her body as she walked. The Serpent Sin would let out a small groan every once in awhile while Elizabeth would try her best to comfort and reassure her in any way possible.

King X Diane: The Serpent Sin's Birthday [PARTLY LEMON]Where stories live. Discover now