Chapter One

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The curtain closing on another show was always a bittersweet moment for Carmen. The moment when something ends, even if you know you will get to do it again, always brings a little bit of sadness.

On that particular night, as Carmen took her bow center stage, her dark hair cascaded down as the black curls shone in the bright lights of the theater. As she came up from her final bow in her first performance as the lead, she felt the weight of the curtain more acutely than usual.

For years, Carmen had been working her way towards her dream role, and she was this close to finally getting it. It was all hanging on her success in performing the lead role as the understudy these next few days. As Carmen ran off stage under the cover of darkness, she was not surprised to find her friend Amy waiting in the wings.

"I am so hungry!" Amy ran up to Carmen and hugged her, "and that dress looks so good with your skin. You should wear yellow more often."

Carmen lifted one eyebrow after returning the hug.

"I mean, you were wonderful, too!" Amy picked up on Carmen's not so subtle hint, "But also, I am hungry. Can we grab some food?"

"You are always hungry," Carmen laughed, "and I am always down for grabbing food at midnight. But I think we should probably get changed first. Even in New York this kind of outfit is not the kind of thing you see in the streets."

One look at their opulent gowns made it seem like they'd walked straight off the set of a Dostoyevsky film adaptation, which was not a look they were going for. Especially Carmen, who was currently on the hunt for the kind of guy she might consider dating.

After their dresses were replaced by jeans and sweaters, the girls made their way through the theater, through the stage door, and out into the warmest winter day the city had seen this year. Though the air was fairly warm, a few large flakes of snow were making their way towards the ground.

"Don't you just love the magic of snow," Carmen twirled around as they walked. She had been in New York for four years and didn't think she would ever get used to seeing snow.

Amy, who had lived there her whole life, felt differently. "As I tell you every single time it snows, I don't find it that magical. I know it's cool the first couple times you see it, but mostly it just makes people forget how to drive and drag a bunch of water across the floors in my apartment." Amy shrugged as Carmen shot her a disapproving look.

"The usual please, Tony!" Carmen called as they stepped through the door into the warmth of the pizzeria.

Tony smiled and waved from behind the counter, "Of course, ladies!"

The girls found the only open booth as they waited for their pizza. Carmen took off her jacket and scarf before sitting down on the red benches. She shook the snow out of her hair, thankful for the hair crew for keeping it from turning into a full-blown jungle.

"So, you really were fabulous today," Amy smiled as she took off her scarf, "and I hope they give you the job. You know how much I adore you!"

"And how much you don't adore Miranda!" Carmen laughed as Amy stuck out her tongue and made a face.

"Don't remind me," Amy finally found a clean place for her purse on the fake leather seat and settled in to chat with Carmen.

"I don't have to, because you always remind me," Carmen began imitating Amy, "'I loathe that woman and I would rather play opposite a goat' I think is what you said."

"Well, I would," Amy protested. "Plus, I don't need to remind you what you said about her, do I?"

Carmen just laughed, secure in her knowledge that her friend would never use that kind of language in public.

Right on cue, Amy confirmed Carmen's suspicions, "Actually, I can't repeat it, there are children present."

"Already the mom," Carmen stopped laughing as Tony waved his hands and mouthed something in their direction, "I think the husband wants you. Probably the pizza is ready."

Amy smiled and got up off the bench, "I'll be back. Do you want something to drink? Water?"

Carmen nodded and Amy bounced off to collect the pizza.

Carmen couldn't help but smile as Amy kissed Tony's cheek when she arrived to collect their pizza. She really did seem a lot happier since she had met him. Carmen longed to meet someone who made her feel how Amy looked right then. All the dates she had ever had made her feel the exact opposite of how Amy looked, so none of them had lasted very long.

She was still smiling to herself when Amy returned with their pizza and a tea, her husband in tow carrying the two water glasses.

After pleasantries were exchanged and two slices of pizza were almost inhaled, the girls slowed down enough to actually speak to one another.

"So," Amy began with pizza still in her mouth, "I want to know what your plans are for this party we have to go to next week. I think we need to find you a date."

Carmen was thankful she had not been drinking at that moment. She felt sure her shock would have sent the water projecting from her mouth right into her friend's face, "I don't plan to go with anyone. Why are you always trying to set me up, anyway?"

"Because," Amy was practically bouncing in her seat, "you are a rich, successful woman who has everything she could ever want in every other area. It can't be that hard to find you a guy. I mean, look at you!"

"Amy!" Carmen was thankful the blush she felt was not visible to her friend, "I'm not merchandise, I don't need you to sell me!"

"I know," Amy rolled her eyes as she picked up another slice of pizza, "but I think you're great, and I think it's been too long since . . . well, you know. And I think you should start putting yourself out there again. Not everyone is going to treat you terribly, you know."

"I am not going to talk about this in the middle of your restaurant," Carmen searched for a new topic they could discuss, "unless you also want to talk about your plans for babies."

"Point taken," Amy shrugged and smiled as she cleaned up their glasses, "we don't have to discuss it, but I am going to find you a date to the party at least."

"Deal," Carmen hugged Amy, "But I have to go! See you tomorrow!"

As Carmen made her way to her apartment, she was sure that Amy's choice of date would be acceptably nice and excessively attractive. It couldn't hurt to have a man like that on her arm at this fancy party - the people there were always so snooty and extremely old-school. It was exhausting. 


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