Chapter Three

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The last time Carmen had been on a date she actually wanted to go on was over two years ago. The debate about what to wear was an age old question she could not answer on her own.

"Amy," Carmen whined as she came out of her room in yet another tight dress, "I told you I don't want to look like he paid me to date him."

Amy almost spit out her tea from laughing, but managed to hold it together long enough to swallow her drink and provide Carmen with useful feedback. "Carm, I love you. But you're right. That is awful. Maybe try some pants?"

"That's what I've been saying for the last twenty minutes! I'm not good at wearing dresses, Amy."

Amy opened her mouth to say something, so Carmen added, "Outside of work, Amy," before walking back towards her room to put on an outfit that included pants.

Amy followed Carmen into the room, "Ooh! I know! What about that bright patterned shirt with like pink and yellow and blue splotches on it? You know, the one with the gold ring where one shoulder should be?"

Carmen had to laugh at Amy's excitement, which had likely been fueled by her choice of beverages before the iced tea.

"You make that shirt sound like an artist threw up and called it a garment," Carmen searched through her closet for it as she spoke. "I happen to really like that shirt!"

"I do too," Amy spilled some of her drink as she attempted to aid in the search. "That's why I suggested it to you!"

After Carmen made her sit down on the bed, Amy added, "It's so pretty with how it sparkles."

Carmen furrowed her brow, "What sparkles, exactly?"

"Your shirt."

"Okay, Amy. Why don't you just wait there for me while I go find it?"

A few seconds later, Carmen emerged from her closet in some dark wash skinny jeans, black high-heeled shoes, and the 'sparkly' top.

"What do you think?" she twirled as she spoke so that Amy could get the full view of her outfit.

"I think it needs a necklace," Amy pulled a small gold necklace off her friend's dresser and handed it to her. "I also think it needs a hair clip."

"A hair clip?" Carmen was skeptical, "I'm not twelve."

Amy was undeterred by Carmen's disinterest and continued rifling through her friend's belongings until she found what she was looking for. When Amy slid the silver pin into Carmen's hair, it sparkled every time the light hit it. Even Carmen had to admit it was just the right amount of sparkle for a date at a dive bar to watch an unknown band.

"Okay, Aims. You have to go," Carmen ushered her friend out the door. "Tony's downstairs to make sure you get home safely. I have to go meet my date."

Carmen locked the door behind them and made her way to the elevator. She put her coat on while she waited for the elevator to arrive, stopping mid-way through to keep Amy from stumbling. 

When the elevator doors opened, Carmen stepped inside and admired herself in the wall of mirrors it contained. She was thrilled with how her hair and makeup had turned out. Apparently even when she was less than sober, Amy was very good at picking appropriate outfits.

* * *

Carmen had to run the last block to make sure she caught the train on time, but she was only slightly out of breath when she emerged from the subway in a part of town she had never seen before. She was glad to be wearing pants as the cold air bit into every piece of exposed skin. Somehow, no matter how long she had lived in this part of the world, she always forgot how much colder it got at night.

The street was quite busy, which was comforting as Carmen stood alone for more than five minutes, hoping Owen wasn't going to stand her up. She was watching three young women stumble out of a cab when she heard someone running towards her from behind. She whipped around, already calculating where she could run to for safety.

"Hey, I'm so sorry," Owen was doubled over and gasping for air as he spoke. "I missed my train and I-"

He cut himself off when he lifted his head to see Carmen, "Wow. Now I feel underdressed."

He did look a little like he had just washed up in the harbour.

"Don't worry about it," she smiled at him. "I'm always overdressed. It's one of the hazards of the job."

"Oh, yeah?" he asked. "What job is that, fashion model?"

Carmen laughed at the absurd idea that all five foot eight inches of her could be a fashion model. Well, at least now we know Owen isn't in fashion.

"No, I work in theater, actually," Carmen didn't want to put herself on the spot by talking about auditioning for the lead, so she kept it to herself.

"Been in anything I might have heard of?" he must not know a lot of actors, because he asked the most tiresome question.

"Maybe," she gave her stock answer. "Depends what you've heard of."

"You've got me there," Owen straightened his shirt and offered Carmen his arm which she gladly accepted.

"Shall we?" he asked before escorting her through the door and downstairs into the club.

Their conversation was put on hold as they entered the second door of the club and the loud bass notes of the band rang through the air. Carmen's heart felt like it was beating in her ears as the whole floor vibrated. She was used to clubs, but this was even louder than usual.

As the band played, Carmen and Owen drank some of whatever beer was on tap as they sat and watched the band play. On at least three occasions, Carmen tried to say something to Owen before giving up and turning towards the makeshift stage where the band was jumping around.

Maybe it isn't a great idea to have a first date at a place you can't talk to each other. Oh well, I guess you can't have it all.

Carmen finished off her third drink and decided to cut herself off before things got too exciting. She was trying to think of ways to save the date when Owen appeared in front of her and shouted into her ear.

"Do you want to dance?"

"What?" she shouted back.

"DANCE!" he mimed dancing to try to get his point across.

Carmen grabbed his hand and followed him onto the floor. Maybe the date could be saved after all


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