Chapter Fifteen

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Amy stared out the window of the car and let Carmen sit in silence with her thoughts for a few minutes. Finally, she took a deep breath and asked her question.

"Why is it a bad thing?"

"Huh?" Carmen couldn't remember what thing Amy was referring to.

Amy rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Why is it a bad thing that your Owen is Owen Galloway?"

"Because he lied to me!" Carmen's voice got louder and higher in pitch as she spoke.

"Did he?" Amy leaned her head over to look out the window. "Or did he just not tell you yet?"

Carmen opened her mouth to speak before realizing her friend might have a point.

Perhaps noticing Carmen's receptiveness, Amy continued. "I mean, if I were him, I don't think I'd want everyone knowing I was from like the third richest family in New York. I might not tell people that until I knew for sure I could trust them."

"And he doesn't think he can trust me?" Carmen's resolve was cracking as Amy's explanation went on.

"You've been on like two dates, Carm. Even I wouldn't trust you yet," he shrugged and reached around to her purse that had slid off the seat. "And I trust everyone."

Carmen groaned and held her head in her hands, "Ugh, you're right."

"I know," Amy patted Carmen's back to try to make her feel better. "I'm probably also right that we should drink some water. Or waking up tomorrow isn't going to be pleasant." Amy stumbled off her seat in the car, looking for water until she found a bottle and handed it to Carmen.

"Don't remind me," Carmen groaned as she accepted the water. "I dread tomorrow in all kinds of ways."

"Well, then," Amy downed some of her own water before continuing. "Allow me to take your mind off of it by telling you about the night I had."

They filled the rest of the journey by discussing the eclectic group of people Amy had been seated with at the gala. Well, now I know John made the seating chart.

* * *

Carmen regretted not listening to Amy about water when she woke up the next morning. It took her two cups of coffee, a dose of pain medication, and three glasses of water to even make it out the door.

Still nursing her second cup of coffee, Carmen walked to work the long way to avoid accidentally running into Owen.

"You look like death," Amy said as Carmen stepped through the door into the theater. "I don't think I've ever seen your hair look that bad."

Carmen shot her friend a glare that could wither stone before taking her seat on the floor and beginning her stretching.

John bursted through the door of the theater with all the ceremony you'd expect of a man who thinks he's too important to care about anyone else. What else is new?

"Take a seat, everyone," he said, not looking anyone in the eye. "I need to speak with everyone."

"Carmen. Miranda. Come with me please," he walked across the stage without looking at either one of them.

After glancing at Amy for an opinion, Carmen shrugged and followed John and Miranda off the stage.

"I'm sure you've figured out why you're here," he rubbed the bridge of his nose as he looked at the floor. "We had almost no success last evening with securing donations. I thought you two could convince the Galloways."

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